Each One Is Tempted… Sin likes to play dress up. The devil knows our weak spots so he places items of temptation in our path. It could be something visual or audible. It may waft through the air and tickle our nose or taste buds. Rest assured, he has a million tricks up his sleeve to deceive us and to touch our skin to draw our attention away from God. As this sin or that sin triggers a thought it dresses up as sloth, gluttony, envy or puts on any…
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Standing Up And Bowing Down…
Standing Up And Bowing Down… It is only His Power that strengthens us. When we stand up for the Lord we bow down at His feet. When we live in the glory of the Almighty God we are announcing to the world He is worthy. When we sing never ending praises, hearts soften. These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house…
READ MOREToday We Celebrate…
Today We Celebrate… We celebrate for another day as one of God’s Ambassadors in this world. Are we preparing for His kingdom when we spend our days at His feet, asking questions and singing praises throughout all the days? Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. ~James 1:27 NKJB There will be healing of our broken soul, our broken heart and all sin will be no more. Tear stained eyes…
READ MOREPrayers for Healing…
Prayers for Healing… We all get emails, text messages and phone calls about a friend, family member or an acquaintance that needs prayers for one reason or another. How many times do we send an emoji of praying hands, hearts or we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers as we are taking our next step in the middle of our “busy day”? Never once thinking about what has happened, who it is or how much that person may need our prayer at that moment. With a great many…
READ MOREHow Much Faith…
How Much Faith… How do we increase our faith? When we fast do we move closer to Jesus and / or increase our faith? What does fasting have to do with increasing our faith? And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. ~ Matthew 9:15 NKJB It is immediately after Jesus explains fasting to the disciples of John that…
READ MOREThrowing Off Inhibitions…
Throwing Off Inhibitions… Matthew 9:37-38 should grab our attention and make the darkness tremble. We should have the strength to lay down our nets, follow and be more like Christ. It’s rare that we allow the strength of God to make this move in us. Imagine a world filled with laborers gathering in Jesus’ harvest fields? What would that world look like, how would it function? Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and…
READ MOREIgnorance – A Curable Dis-Ease…
Ignorance – A Curable Dis-Ease… Ignorance breeds hate, period. F.E.A.R. is ignorance’ greatest ally – the two walk arm-in-arm. Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, And cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. ~ Ecclesiastes 10:1 NKJB An image like this one should bring joy to heart and a smile to your face. Just as this image All we see are our brothers and sisters in Christ lifting praises and glory to God, nothing more. We should…
READ MOREThe Water Continues To Flow…
The Water Continues To Flow… Drink.. drink…be merry. Let the joy fill you and then share with those around you. Come on in, the water’s fine. Get soaked by the water, splash it all over yourself and all of those close by. Let the rain fall upon your brow and wash you clean. Lie in the stream and allow it flow over you, through you and all around you. The Living Water of everlasting life has arrived! We say these sayings, we hear them spoken by others and rarely allow…
READ MOREAvailable – Yes and Amen…
Available – Yes and Amen… God doesn’t have that many expectations of His children. He does, however, expect us to be available. While Adam and Eve thought they were “hiding” from God, they were merely turning their back to God – God never left them, God never turned His back to them. Faithful, you are, Faithful forever you will be Faithful, yes, you are, All your promises are yes and Amen – Yes and Amen, Chris Tomlin When we say “yes” to the question things change. We have no idea…
READ MOREHave Mercy Upon Me, O God…
Have Mercy Upon Me, O God… If a remnant can hold all Truth, what can a fully developed body hold; what can it do? There are no atheist in fox holes. When the Holy Spirit comes over someone there is nothing that can stop a captive from reaching Jesus Christ. Once the decision is made, the bottom has been hit, there is nothing that will keep a person from embracing our Lord, our Savior, the King of kings: Jesus Christ. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives…