We Are Exactly Who We Are Suppose To Be For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. ~Psalms 139:13 NASB95 Is it possible to be a turnip? What about a person proclaiming they are the opposite sex from which they are born? What about proclaiming to be circumcised when in fact they are uncircumcised? When God knits us together in our mothers womb is there room for error, does God make mistakes during the knitting? Are we nothing more than a science project for “the…
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God Speak – Show Us A New Revival…
God Speak – Show Us A New Revival… If we do the same thing over again will we get the same result, or the same result as before? I believe it was Einstein that said if you expect a different outcome that is the definition of insanity. Does God want us to go insane? Of course not, He wants us to live, live life abundantly in Him and His kingdom. How do we know what to do to achieve His goal? We ask Jesus Christ to tell us. The Apostle…
One At A Time… When God moves He moves one person. As we remember all the masses of people that were in attendance at the great Sermons that Jesus Christ delivered, according to the scriptures, at two different Sermons there were thousands in attendance yet, not one person is reported to have followed Jesus afterwards. Why would that be? Is there a difference today? Not one person heard directly from the mouth of God the greatest stories, the greatest Sermons and the greatest lessons the world will ever know and…
READ MOREFrom The Ashes…
From The Ashes… As we grow older our lives can move in a multitude of directions. Some of us will have a solid foundation to stand upon. Dad and Mom, siblings all in one house with an abundance of love sprinkled around for all to get their fill. Some of us, and unfortunately an increasing number of us, come from broken homes. The love we experienced at birth, and were assured would last our life, seems to evaporate into the ether somewhere along the line. Most of us, as children,…
READ MOREToday We Live…
Today We Live… What happens when we turn back to God? What happens when we confess our sins, one to another, repent of our sins and make amends for our sins? “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself…
READ MOREWithout Others…We Don’t Exist
Without Others…We Don’t Exist Would it be plausible the enemy, the devil, knows that when we are isolated we no longer exist? In physics there are no “free range” fractional particles. They have not been observed in any model for at least 200 years of research. All the data gathered over the last 200 years or so show only integer multiples of charges, and the models that classify the behavior of particles are successful in predicting new data. Fractional charges arouse in the models to describe the symmetries of hadrons…
READ MOREGod Among You…
God Among You… As our days unfold before us we are greeted by an endless line of madness, an endless line of happiness and an endless line of choices between the two. The stability of our relationship with Jesus Christ is what makes the difference. If we have been spending time in His presence, if we have been handing over, to Jesus, our confessions of misgivings, our character defects and shortcomings we have a much better chance at walking in joy and happiness while avoiding some, or all, of the…
READ MOREHoly Spirit Moves Us…
Holy Spirit Moves Us… When the people were gathered together in the UpperRoom, the description of the Holy Spirit falling on them is that of tongues, as of fire. God was with them as there was no fear of fire falling on one-another. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. ~Acts 2:3 NKJB What happened next is what happens to each person that experiences the Holy Spirit – they immediately, without hesitation – begin sharing the Gospel, Advancing the Kingdom…
READ MOREThe Past Becomes Strength…
The Past Becomes Strength… Raise your hand if you believe you have been forgiven in Jesus Christ. Great. Now that we have been forgiven what do we do with those sins? How do they impact our future…or did they simply get put in a trunk somewhere for safekeeping, thrown in a trash bin or something altogether different? What if our past failures, our past sins and our brokenness becomes our greatest strength? What if we were to walk in our identity as a broken person, forgiven in Jesus Christ, to…
READ MOREManna For Today…
Manna For Today… When we live in the past we can not move into the future. When we are stuck on a pain that happened yesterday we can not live for today. Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no. ~Exodus 16:4 KJB When we walk in today, the day the Lord made, we are alive…