Out Of The Temple… Should we, as followers of Jesus Christ, ever get angry, ever speak down to people or, dare it be said, attack people? Did Jesus Christ ever attack people? You bet He did. Did Jesus Christ ever speak down to people in anger? You bet He did. Josephus says He (Jesus Christ) tore through the temple courts like a madman. ~ Oswald Charmbers, Daily Thoughts for Disciples, November 30 A great many people are familiar with the story of Jesus Christ running through the market that had…
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And The Power of The Lord Was Present…
And The Power of The Lord Was Present… Teachers, Pastors, Pharisee’s and, especially, the multitudes (the crowd also called society) can keep us from Jesus Christ. Of course they don’t intend to do that, but it sure winds up happening more often than not. The crowds (multitudes, society) will block people from Christ quicker than anything. The reason this can be said with such confidence is so many of us get our identity from society, from the multitudes. We see, or hear, how someone else is creating success in their…
READ MOREHow Then Were Your Eyes Opened…
How Then Were Your Eyes Opened… Do we know what we don’t know? How do we know if we are saved if we have no relationship with Jesus Christ? Who is in charge of our lives if it is not Jesus Christ? And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? ~ John 9:1-2 KJB If the man doesn’t know he’s blind is he…
READ MORETribulation Brings About Perseverance…
Tribulation Brings About Perseverance… How can we be unhappy, sad or allow the joy in our heart to dip to low levels? It is only when we close our eyes, turn away or harden our heart. The beauty of God is always there in every situation, in every breath and in every beat of our heart. Our faith in Jesus Christ opens the door of grace. Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction…
READ MOREA Tree Planted By The Waters…
A Tree Planted By The Waters… When we turn our heart away from the Lord, nothing good can be manifest. We keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and live by His Ways, His Truth and His Life, if we live by man, the flesh, if one has ever lived this way the truth of that life is well known. Living by the flesh, by mans ways, is the path of ruin. Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart…
READ MOREYou follow Me…
You follow Me… Concerning ourselves with others affairs is not our business. We are to love others, pray for others and not be concerned about how their life is progressing or regressing? We are not to be concerned with the path others take? We are to lift them up, encourage them as they move forward in their appointed missions and help them where we can. It is not our concern about the path they have chosen. If we have loved ones that are drug addicts, prostitutes or criminals, they are…
READ MOREKnown Unto God…
Known Unto God… Many, many words are shared on a regular basis surrounding prayer. There is a very important reason why this is the case. Prayer is many things to our lives. It is a communication tool between ourselves and God. It is a communication tool between ourselves, on others behalf, and God. It is a communication tool that allows us to stay connected to God with each step taken, with each breath drawn and with each encounter we make with other people throughout our day. It is the strongest…
READ MOREShout! For The Lord…
Shout! For The Lord… Does praise and worship open our ears, our eyes and our heart to receive the Word of God? Is music, song, necessary for the Truth, the Way and the Life to be found? Are they inseparable? If we look at what happened at Jericho we see “the band” led the way. The horns were sent in to march around the city for seven days and then they were to blow a mighty sound. This was proceeded by Joshua speaking, the warriors giving a loud shout to…
READ MOREThe Tongue of Disciples…
The Tongue of Disciples… When do we listen to the Lords voice? When does Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or God speak to us? Are we living on something He spoke in the past or are we dinning on fresh Words spoken in the moment? Having been lax in spending time with the Lord it is easy to live off past Words spoken by our God. Romans 12:2 reminds us that we are to renew our mind and transform our lives in order to prove the perfect will of God.…
READ MOREWhatever He Hears He Will Speak…
Whatever He Hears He Will Speak… Being near to God and feeling the absolute presence of the Lord is one of those situations that must be experienced and not heard of or described by someone else’s account. It is highly personal and once it happens it can never be forgotten. The sense of peace, calm and beauty, yes beauty, that filled my heart, filled my soul and filled my being is beyond all comprehension. This is why we do what we do. Once a person is transported into another realm…