Now There Are Diversities…

Now There Are Diversities… Those of us that are in Jesus Christ are the same person. We look different, speak different and come from different homes, but we are exactly the same. We are born again in the name of Jesus Christ. We are the Body of the Saved, the church. We are one body, with different gifts. We are individual members that make the whole. We can not make it alone, we need one another to be share with one another the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that were…


The Manifestation Of The Spirit…

The Manifestation Of The Spirit… From the depths of our soul, the “thing” that has been with us, in our heart our entire life, the one thing that was called out to us at a young age. That thing that was stitched together in our mothers womb. What is that for each one of us? What is that we know is the guiding item for our life that we are afraid to embrace? What is that God planted in our being that makes us who we are in God’s Kingdom?…


I Will Make You To Become…

I Will Make You To Become… Did Jesus tell Simon, who would be Peter, if you follow Me I will make you to become fishers of men? Is this not the promise Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, make to Peter? Did the Lord, our God, not tell Isiah if you follow Me you will be a spokesman for the ages? Didn’t God tell Isiah he would speak to God’s people until there was nothing left in all the world? Did our Lord God tell Gideon that if you follow…


Give Unto You The Spirit Of Wisdom and Revelation…

Give Unto You The Spirit Of Wisdom and Revelation… How can we get our identity from the enemy when the enemy only calls us names like “loser”, “failure” and a whole host of other names we have addressed here many, many times? We should not accept a false identity from the devil. We should for ever be moving forward in our Christ Identity as that is the only identity that makes us complete. Our Christ Identity is the only identity that Christ will address. Jesus will tell our false identity…


Then I Will Profess Unto Them…

Then I Will Profess Unto Them… Who is the accuser? Who is the deceiver? Well…it’s not Jesus. Jesus never once accuses anyone of being sinful. Jesus never once calls anyone of the individual disciples, or other people, in the Bible by anything other than their true identity. Who they are. Jesus doesn’t call anyone by “what” they are, but rather, who they are. So the deceiver is the devil. The devil deceives us by attempting to tell us what we are and does his best to convince us that what…


More Value Than Many Sparrows…

More Value Than Many Sparrows… We should never call ourselves by the job we report to Monday through Friday. How many times in our life does someone ask “what do you do?” when they should, in fact, be asking “who are you?” Odds are if you ask someone “Who are you?”, which happens on a regular basis with the men at the Hope Center, they will respond with their vocation instead of their actual identity. Their actual identity comes from Christ. This is a key piece of knowledge in order…


I Will Let Down The Net…

I Will Let Down The Net… Fear not; from henceforth, thou shall catch men. ~ Luke 5:10 KJB How many times during the course of a day do we shut down God and tell Him why we can’t do something? We are all too happy to list the many, many reasons why we are unable to perform, accomplish or even attempt something that is presented to us. We say things like, “I don’t have…” “the price is…” The resources are…” and the all time classic “I am afraid.” We shut…


He That Enters In By The Door…

He That Enters In By The Door… He’s a populist, He empowered the disenfranchised, the weak. He’s questioning the power structure that’s in place. He’s stirring people and He’s saying how long are you going to live under this lie? How long you gonna live like that? ~ Jamie Winship A lot of people would look at that description and think it is describing President Trump and all the “chaos” he created. Did you notice that “He” is capitalized? Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that enters not by…


I Dwell In The Midst…

I Dwell In The Midst… During our prayer time is it better to tell God something to the effect of “Lord I humbly come before You…” or something more akin to how Isiah approached God when Isiah was before God in the Throne Room? Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. ~ Isiah 6:5 KJB Isiah…


One Of The Seraphim Flew To Me…

One Of The Seraphim Flew To Me… You will die in the desert in the identity you call yourself. But I [God] didn’t call you that. – Jamie Winship Do we see God though our own identity in Christ or do we see God through what the enemy tells us to see? Is our image of God, our image alone, the image of God or is it tainted by what the enemy is telling us to see? When we are in the presence of the Lord we should see the…