Back to Basics Recovery Model

Back to Basics Recovery Model Created by Wally P. 1999 via Big Book Sponsorship The Back to Basics recovery model is described in detail in Back to Basics–The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners’ Meetings (using the Twelve Steps and the “Big Book”), How to Listen to God (using the Oxford Group Four Steps and the Oxford Group literature) and in a forthcoming book with a working title of Back to Basics for Christians (using the Oxford Group Four Steps and the New Testament). No matter which format or what literature is used, the…


When should I start working with other addicts or alcoholics?

When should I start working with other addicts or alcoholics? from Big Book Sponsorship There are many opinions on when an addict or alcoholic should commence work with other addicts. Some say you can give away what you don’t have! Often when sobriety chips are being handed out, you will hear it being suggested that you have nine months to one year before working with others. Some detox or withdrawal management centers require an addict have two years clean time before they can come in and talk to the patients.…


How FAST should the newcomer be taken through the Twelve Steps?

How FAST should the newcomer be taken through the Twelve Steps? from Big Book Sponsorship One of the key concepts of A.A. in the 1940’s: Get the newcomer to Step Twelve as quickly as possible, so he or she can experience the life-changing spiritual awakening that occurs as the direct result of taking the Steps. Assure the newcomer that our program of recovery will relieve his or her alcoholism/addiction. Show the newcomer that the process is simple, straightforward and that it really works. Earl T. (pictured right), founder of A.A. in…


Codependency Recovery Stages (Video)

Codependency Recovery Stages Video In this Psych Central Webinar, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., CADC, presents his compact 4-stage codependency treatment model and his “Surgeon General’s” Codependency Recovery Warning. ABOUT ROSS Ross Rosenberg M.Ed., CADC, is Self-Love Recovery Institute’s CEO and primary contributor. His internationally recognized expertise includes pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and attachment trauma. Ross’s “Codependency Cure™ Treatment Program provides innovative and results-oriented treatment. His expert educational and inspirational seminars have earned him international acclaim, including his 22 million YouTube video views and 230K subscribers. In addition to being featured on…