Matt H. – “Recovery, my new and wonderful life!” (Video)

Matt H. – “Recovery, my new and wonderful life!” Video from Odomtology Funny and powerful story by one of my new favorite AA speakers, Matt H. shares a message of depth and weight recounting his vicious struggle with alcoholism and the redemptive and graceful power of the twelve step process. A special thanks to Joy M. and Matt H. for introducing me to this awesome share. I love hearing such clarity and impassioned sharing about someone’s experience. This is a MUST LISTEN type of share. Matt has a great speaking…


The Clergy Are Tremendously Important

The Clergy Are Tremendously Important by Mrs. Marty Mann, Executive Director, National Council on Alcoholism, New York via Silkworth Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 I do not believe that only alcoholics can do this, because I have known professional people who could do it equally well. I myself am the product of one. I don’t know whether this Conference ever heard Dr. Harry Tiebout speak. If you didn’t, I am sorry, because he died two weeks ago, and I think he is one of…


Confess, Repent, Pray Steps 6 / 7

Confess, Repent, Pray Steps 6 / 7 by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. The entire Holy Bible is a living, breathing organism that teaches us how we are to live. Some people just refuse to engage, still others have attempted and, for whatever reason, walked away. Our lives were created by God. The Holy Bible is His inerrant, infallible Word that describes us living as God designed us. When we…


Bob D. – “The Garden of God” (Video)

Bob D. – “The Garden of God” Video from Odomtology One of the most captivating and moving talks by Bob D., one of the BEST AA speakers to ever have taken the podium! If you have not heard Bob speak before, you are in for a treat! If you have, you will really, really, enjoy this talk because it is the very essence of Bob’s message and his program. In his straightforward and humorous approach Bob goes through his struggles and triumphs and connects to an audience in a uniquely…


Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained – no wonder 35 million Americans can’t figure out why they’re so addicted

Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained – no wonder 35 million Americans can’t figure out why they’re so addicted By Herbal Remedy Insider for Ingredients Sure, everybody has at least heard that there are all kinds of “chemicals” in commercial cigarettes, and that cancer sticks got that nickname for a reason, but even a non-smoker would be shocked to find out what is really driving the addiction, besides just nicotine. There are 4 shocking ingredients in cigarettes, that have been used for over 50 years, that most people…


Understanding Is Important

Understanding Is Important by Mrs. Marty Mann, Executive Director, National Council on Alcoholism, New York via Silkworth Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 I think we can get hung up on this lying bit, and I think, furthermore, that it affects the attitude of the person who is trying to help. And if it affects the attitude of the person who is trying to help, it affects the attitude of the person who is to be helped. This is another thing that we are apt to forget,…


The Alcoholic And Sanity

The Alcoholic And Sanity by Mrs. Marty Mann, Executive Director, National Council on Alcoholism, New York via Silkworth Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 To return to this attitude business, I think it is crucial, if you are going to reach the alcoholic. I have often said that alcoholics are like children and dogs. They feel what you feel. They don’t hear what you say. You can approach an alcoholic with an absolutely correct textbook speech. Everything you say will be exactly right, right down the line, but what…