Confessions of a Rehab Addict | Nicole Curtis (Video)

Confessions of a Rehab Addict | Nicole Curtis Video Nicole was hustling as a mommy burning both ends of the candle between cleaning houses, selling garbage finds online, selling real estate, design, and house restoration. She stayed true to her self and purpose eventually launching a number one TV show, books and so much more. Nicole Curtis a NY Times best selling author and the high-energy, charismatic star and Exec. Producer of Rehab Addict, the hit HGTV show that has run for 8 seasons. The self-taught home renovator, designer and…


Drugs and Alcohol, Addiction and Recovery (Video)

Drugs and Alcohol, Addiction and Recovery Video by Jason Ricci I am not a DR. or an addictions professional. This video is my personal account of my experiences with drugs and alcohol, addiction and recovery in my own life only. Below the video, in the description box are some direct links to various free recovery programs that are most likely in your area. Everything in this video is from my own personal experiences and does not directly represent the views, opinions of any one of these programs, methods or treatments…


Gresham’s Law and Alcoholics Anonymous (Final)

Gresham’s Law and Alcoholics Anonymous (Final) by Tom P, Jr for Big Book Sponsorship Part 1 Click Here >>> Par2 2 Click Here >>> However, the founders of AA were men moved by uncommon sense, by inspiration, by spiritual guidance. They knew that the commonsense approach had already been tried in the world for 150 years, and it was failing everywhere, utterly, in their time. They knew that when a drunk’s level of aspiration was set at mere abstinence – “Why don’t you be a good fellow, use your will…


Gresham’s Law and Alcoholics Anonymous (Cont.)

Gresham’s Law and Alcoholics Anonymous (Cont.) by Tom P., Jr. for Big Book Sponsorship Part 1 Click Here >>> Highly favorable press coverage of the AA story was also a major factor in the spectacular growth pattern. A series of enthusiastic articles on AA appeared in the fall of 1939 in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. These pieces produced a flood of new AA members in the Cleveland area. This sudden expansion was the first tangible evidence that AA had the potential to grow into a Movement of major proportions. The…