The Oxford Group and Alcoholics Anonymous

The Oxford Group and Alcoholics Anonymous by Dick B via At A.A.’s Seattle Convention in 1990, I first heard mention of the Oxford Group and Alcoholics Anonymous. I had come there to learn A.A.’s Bible roots, but heard nothing about that. I did notice that one oldtimer on the archives panel had a book about the Oxford Group. It was called What is the Oxford Group? It had an anonymous author, who I was later to learn was not an Oxford Group “member.” But his book sure bore some remarkable resemblance’s…


Where It All Began… EBBY T. – The Man Who Carried The Message To Bill W.

Where It All Began… EBBY T. – The Man Who Carried The Message To Bill W. By Walter L. via In 1960, at the Long Beach, California Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson wrote this dedication in an AA book that he gave to Ebby Thacher. “Dear Ebby, No day passes that I do not remember that you brought me the message that saved me – and only God knows how many more. In affection, Bill” It was Ebby who found relief from his alcoholism in the simple spiritual…


I Saw Religion Remake A Drunkard – Dr. Bob

I Saw Religion Remake A Drunkard – Dr. Bob by D.J. Defoe for Through Liquor, this physician had lost his practice, his reputation and his self-respect. Then one night in a gathering in a private home, he found the way of escape. WHEN a doctor starts drinking, he’s usually on the skids for keeps. His profession gives him so much privacy, so great exposure to temptation both from liquor and from drugs, and his need of a stimulant to lift him from depression becomes so extreme, that many a good…


Mark H. – His Final Talk (Video)

Mark H. – His Final Talk Video Recorded less than a month before he died in 2010, this is the final tape of the legendary AA speaker, Mark H. He brings his usual brilliant articulation of recovery to the talk, as well as a deep and profound spiritual insight. Little did he know at the time, he would suffer an aneurysm the following month and pass away suddenly. In retrospect, this is such an awesome and spiritual share. It really encapsulates the message of recovery and what a life dedicated…