The Books and Materials Early AAs Read

The Books and Materials Early AAs Read by Dick B via Silkworth GNN Note – In order to truly understand how the 12 Steps work, how they will change your life and what a new life is like without addiction, one must look at what was happening BEFORE the book Alcoholics Anonymous was written. The authors of Alcoholics Anonymous DID NOT use the 12 Steps to change their lives. They used a wide variety of materials with the Holy Bible being the center piece, Chief Cornerstone of all the early…


Carrying The Message… Step 12 v2

Carrying The Message… Step 12 v2 The deeper into this series we get the closer we are drawn to God, our fellows along the road of happy destiny and our family. We see our faults more easily and make amends even quicker than we thought possible. We are more focused on the Living Word of God and carrying the message to as many people as possible. It feels as if God has taken the reigns and is driving the bus; we are merely a passenger doing as He would have…


Scott L. – “The Honor of Passing it on” (Video)

Scott L. – “The Honor of Passing it on” Video from Odomtology I love this tape by such a great AA speaker, Scott L. One of the things about the 12th step is that sometimes we tend to overlook it, even if we are sponsoring new people and are very active in service work. Also, sometimes speaker tapes on Step 12 aren’t exactly our most popular. However, we have about the best one you can listen to right here! Scott gives a wonderful summation of Step 12 and shares what…


The history behind reading The Lord’s Prayer at 12 Step meetings

The history behind reading The Lord’s Prayer at 12 Step meetings from Big Book Sponsorship It is mentioned in Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers that the prayer was used from the very beginning in the Fellowship, at least as early as 1938 and 1939. In those days there was no AA literature, so the early groups relied heavily on existing prayers, and on the Bible and Oxford Group literature, for inspiration and guidance. Bill W. commented several times in his correspondence about the early use of the Lord’s Prayer.…


What causes opioid addiction, and why is it so tough to combat? (Video)

What causes opioid addiction, and why is it so tough to combat? Video In the 1980s and 90s, pharmaceutical companies began to market opioid painkillers aggressively, while actively downplaying their addictive potential. The number of prescriptions skyrocketed, and so did cases of addiction, beginning a crisis that continues today. What makes opioids so addictive? Mike Davis explains what we can do to reverse the skyrocketing rates of addiction and overdose.


My Testimony | Pornography Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts, & How God Transformed My Heart. (Video)

My Testimony | Pornography Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts, & How God Transformed My Heart. Video by Jara Douse I share my testimony & what God has done for me. This was very hard for me but I tried my hardest to be vulnerable. I hope this can help somebody. 2:30 Being raised in church 4:52 Pornography addiction 6:40 Getting affection from guys 10:00 Depression/ suicidal thoughts 11:25 What God says about us. 13:55 Toxic Relationship 19:00 Growth/ Encouragement