Fentanyl Addict interview-Nikko Video by Soft White Underbelly
READ MORECategory: The Recovered Word

Fentanyl’s deadly grip on St. Louis (Video)
Fentanyl’s deadly grip on St. Louis Video by UnReported World Across the United States for the first time ever over 100,000 people have died from drug overdoses in a 12 month period, the vast majority from Fentanyl, an opioid painkiller fifty times more potent than heroin, and much cheaper to buy. It’s a grim reality which is only getting worse with its devastating effects being felt everywhere. Not least in rust belt middle-America towns like St Louis, which not only has one of the highest murder rates in the US,…
READ MOREHeroin Ruined my Life for Years (Video)
Heroin Ruined my Life for Years Video Ian leads his story with what addiction made him feel. He says it made him feel like all his walls were coming down. Ian never imagined his life turning out this way. But, Ian does have some lessons he wants to share. His hope is whoever is out there reading will learn from his lessons. That way, they don’t have to go through their horrifying addiction spiral.
READ MORESpiritual Journey | William “Cope” Moyers: A Story of Addiction & Recovery (Video)
Spiritual Journey | William “Cope” Moyers: A Story of Addiction & Recovery Video
READ MOREAileen R. – Family Recovery (Video)
Aileen R. – Family Recovery Video from Odomtology
READ MOREOn Cultivating Tolerance
On Cultivating Tolerance By Dr. Bob S. via Silkworth GNN Note – Dr. Bob is one of the greatest missionary for Jesus Christ to ever be. It is reported that he handed out thousands of copies of Emmet Fox’s Sermon On the Mount. This book, like the book Alcoholics Anonymous is nothing more than a gateway to the Holy Bible. It changes a person. It affects their life in ways that can not be described. It opens a hunger in ones heart they never knew existed. Dr. Bob, while living.…
READ MOREAddiction Took My Kids From Me (Video)
Addiction Took My Kids From Me Video
READ MOREKip C. POWERFUL, Living Proof Testimony (Video)
Kip C. POWERFUL, Living Proof Testimony Video
READ MOREThe Fundamentals – In Retrospect
The Fundamentals – In Retrospect by Dr Bob S. via Silkworth It is gratifying to feel that one belongs to and has a definite personal part in the work of a growing and spiritually prospering organization for the release of the alcoholics of mankind from a deadly enslavement. For me, there is double gratification in the realization that, more than thirteen years ago, an all-wise Providence, whose ways must always be mysterious to our limited understandings, brought me to “see my duty clear” and to contribute in decent humility, as…
READ MORELying and Avoidance Got Me Nowhere (Video)
Lying and Avoidance Got Me Nowhere Video