ALEX CLARK: MILLENNIAL WOMEN SOLD THE LIE OF “BOSS BABE LIFE” ARE YEARNING FOR A TRADITIONAL FAMILY Video by Briebart GNN Note – The “educated women that live in the suburbs” we were told “voted for Biden” is another part of the lie as well. Educate women sleeping around, apartment hoping and “raising cats” and figuring out that is an empty lifestyle. / END


FRANCIS: Poster Pope of the Great Reset (Video)

FRANCIS: Poster Pope of the Great Reset Video by Remnant TV This week’s episode is the recorded presentation that Michael Matt gave to the Roman Forum’s Summer Symposium in Gardone, Italy. Michael Matt takes a deep dive into the mysterious Catacombs Pact—a signing ritual that took place 55 years ago with more than 40 Latin American bishops on the eve of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. This event, which celebrated it’s 50th anniversary at the Amazon Synod in 2019, is eerily connected to Pope Francis AND to Klaus…


Now They Are Coming For The Water…Hoover Dam explosion, fire rock tourist site, dramatic video shows

Now They Are Coming For The Water…Hoover Dam explosion, fire rock tourist site, dramatic video shows By Joshua Rhett Miller for New York Post GNN Note – Food processing / distribution centers going up in flames, diesel fuel costs cutting supply lines makes food in short supply that will only get worse as the year moves forward. All by design. Now, the Hoover Dam has exploded that will cut off water to southern California, thereby, making the citizens flee all the faster and the food shortages all the worse. / END Oh,…


Presenting America’s Real Coup d’Etat [MORN_01] Video

Presenting America’s Real Coup d’Etat [MORN_01] Video by Best Evidence“Presenting America’s Real Coup d’Etat” bats leadoff in this about-10-part series, “Murder of a Rebel Nation” (MORN), which will document the actual, done-deal takeover of the U.S. by corporate criminals over a decade ago. While the moving parts and pieces needed to effect that coup have been shifting into place for a very long time, the fulcrum event that irreversibly flipped the U.S. over the wrong side of the prison wall into the land mass of full-blown criminality was the TARP…


Oil Jumps As Biden Fails In Begging Saudis For More Oil

Oil Jumps As Biden Fails In Begging Saudis For More Oil By Michael Robison for The Gateway Pundit Oil prices surged to more than $100 a barrel on Monday after President Joe Biden left Saudi Arabia over the weekend, failing to secure a commitment from the Kingdom to boost output. Early Monday, Brent crude jumped by nearly 2.5% to around $103.50 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate, the primary US pricing benchmark, also jumped almost 2% to more than $99 a barrel. The idea of OPEC+ boosting oil supply wasn’t even presented during a weekend meeting between…


AOC Gets Roasted for Her Hypocrisy, Ridiculous Response to Saucy Heckling

AOC Gets Roasted for Her Hypocrisy, Ridiculous Response to Saucy Heckling by Will for Trending Politics GNN Note – Alex Stein is hilarious. Sandy Cortez is a fraud. She is an actress playing a role. If you’ve not seen “The Brains Behind AOC” click here / END Conservative troll and humorist Alex Stein sent AOC over the edge in a recent, hilarious video, waiting for her to walk up the steps of the Capitol and, when she appeared, complimented her keister. Watch that video and check out AOC’s deranged, furious Twitter…


Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants’ Dirty Work?

Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants’ Dirty Work? by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall The shameful video of Uvalde cops cowering in the hallway while some freakish mutant murdered little kids brings to mind an important point. It’s not a point about the cowardice of badly-led police officers – that point has been made. It’s not the hygiene focus of the guy who paused just standing there to splurt a dollop of hand sanitizer into his paw. It’s not even about the fact that we normal citizens cannot rely…