Report: 43 abortion centers in 11 states have stopped killing babies since Roe v. Wade overturned

Report: 43 abortion centers in 11 states have stopped killing babies since Roe v. Wade overturned by Calvin Freiburger for Life Site News Contrary to left-wing arguments, pro-life laws do reduce abortions. At least 43 abortion facilities in 11 states have stopped committing abortions in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s fall a month ago, gutting the longstanding pro-abortion talking point that changing laws does not reduce abortions. That assessment comes from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, which began lifeas the research arm of Planned Parenthood. “As of July 24, 30 days…


Expert: Russian Gas Cutoff Could Collapse European Power Grids

Expert: Russian Gas Cutoff Could Collapse European Power Grids by CHRIS TOMLINSON for Breitbart A Swedish expert commodities analyst has warned that a Russian shut-off of gas to Europe could not only lead to higher prices for electricity but could collapse electrical grids as well. Commodities analyst Christian Kopfer stated that if the Russians were to cut off gas supplies to Europe it could put a strain on electrical grids stating, “You have to maintain the voltage in the grid because when it falls too low, it can collapse. There is a…


CROOKS GET CAUGHT: “Something Needs to be Done!” – Former Dallas Fed Chair Says Pelosi “Appears to Have Taken Advantage” of Insider Information (Video)

CROOKS GET CAUGHT: “Something Needs to be Done!” – Former Dallas Fed Chair Says Pelosi “Appears to Have Taken Advantage” of Insider Information (Video) By Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit GNN Note – There used be laws in this nation. There used to be people that would actually arrest criminals, try them in front of a jury of their peers and then convict them for their crimes. Over the past 4-5 decades the democrats have changed all that and we no longer are a nation of laws – we are…


Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall If you want to watch the pinkos fret, simply state the indisputable truth that what they call “climate change” is a massive hoax. Their fallback is inevitably that “science” – which they purport to love except when it demonstrates that there are only men and women and that you can’t change the sex you are born as – has decreed that because we peons insist on not living in caves like primitive tribesmen (okay, non-binary tribespeople) the Earth is going…