Are You an ‘Election Denier’? A ‘Christian Nationalist’? Or Maybe Just a ‘Kulak’?

Are You an ‘Election Denier’? A ‘Christian Nationalist’? Or Maybe Just a ‘Kulak’? By JOHN ZMIRAK for The Stream Our enemies don’t think that we’re really human. Not that they know what “human” means, or even have a halfway coherent theory which they carry around in their heads. Half the time, leftists take comfort in Darwin’s fable, and tell themselves that we’re just brainy apes. That’s the worldview they use when they want to dismantle something that stands between them and whatever they want at the moment. (For instance, when they’re…


Trader Joes Manager Threatens Customer For Talking About COVID And Religion With Employees But He Has No Idea Customer Was Recording The Whole Conversation

Trader Joes Manager Threatens Customer For Talking About COVID And Religion With Employees But He Has No Idea Customer Was Recording The Whole Conversation By Alicia Powe  for The Gateway Pundit As the  Biden administration, ‘big tech, woke’ corporations, the United Nations and Drive-By Media collude to destroy the First Amendment, weak-minded, petty tyrants are abusing their positions of authority to enforce the totalitarian marching orders. A store manager of Trader Joes in Templeton, California was caught on video threatening to ban a customer from shopping in the grocery store…


The Last White Person Is Slain by Diversity

The Last White Person Is Slain by Diversity Paul Craig Roberts A mantra of our time is that white people have “white privilege.” Here is the latest shocking example of “white privilege:” Here is an example from Britain: How long has it been since you have seen a corporate advertisement, or any kind of advertisement, in which there is a white couple with white children? Miscegenation is the requirement of diversity, which is a paradox as it means there will be no diversity, just a collection of brown…


Cheney’s Humiliating Defeat Is Another Sign That We Are Winning

Cheney’s Humiliating Defeat Is Another Sign That We Are Winning by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall Here’s a thought exercise – would Liz Cheney have gotten more or fewer votes than she did if she had announced, right before the election, “I have monkeypox?” Considering that the pus plague is polling better than she did in the Wyoming primary the other night, perhaps she should have just announced that “I am monkeypox.” She is Republican monkeypox, you know. She is a walking, talking, warmongering, loathsome disease infecting the nether regions of…