The West’s Propaganda Picture Of Russia’s Evil Intent

The West’s Propaganda Picture Of Russia’s Evil Intent  A translation is below Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts The Western media is a collection of liars in a propaganda ministry, and its so-called “Russian experts” are for the most part Russophobes operating on grants from the US military/security complex.  Consequently, Westerners have no valid understanding of the conflict in Ukraine, how it arose, and how the West’s involvement together with extraordinary provocations, has  created in the Russian leadership the conviction that the goal of the West is to destroy Russia.  As this…


FBI Raids Home of Pro-Life Christian With Guns Drawn as Family Watches in Horror

FBI Raids Home of Pro-Life Christian With Guns Drawn as Family Watches in Horror By Dan Andros for Faith Wire The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as Houck’s wife and children looked on in horror. Early Friday morning the FBI arrived at the Houck’s residence in Bucks County, PA and began pounding on the door. Despite putting his hands up and willingly cooperating, multiple agents pointed guns in Mark’s face…


When Christian Soldiers Took the Fight to the Terrorists

When Christian Soldiers Took the Fight to the Terrorists By Raymond Ibrahim for American Thinker This week in history witnessed the launch of a daringly amazing campaign dedicated to defending and liberating Christian lands from Islam. The year was 1442.  After having suffered countless atrocities from the invading Turks, “everyone [in the West] spoke of making war on the infidels and driving them out of Europe” — and it was entirely due to the martial exploits of John Hunyadi, the Transylvanian-born hero who had singlehandedly bested the Turks in several recent engagements.…