Profits at the Expense of Patriotism Is a Dangerous Game by Lawrence Kadish for GateStone Institute GNN Note – Dan Bongino has discussed for the past couple of years is the development of a parallel economy. Something I discussed more than ten years ago, we need to do something or we are going to lose everything. / END Today’s American mega-billionaires need to think long and hard about where their allegiances lie: perhaps reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before our nation’s flag might be a good place to start. If past…
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The Authorities Are Our Enemies
The Authorities Are Our Enemies by James Howard Kunstler The people who run things in this country don’t deserve your respect or allegiance. They are at war with you. They want you and your children dead. Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it does, anyway, and then lie to you about it. Nowhere is this quandary more vivid than in the racketeering operation formerly known as medicine. As if there has not…
READ MOREMultipolar World Order – Global Fascism, Currency
Multipolar World Order – Global Fascism, Currency by Iain Davis for Off-Guardian GNN Note – If you’re not familiar with alliances like the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and European EurAsian Union (EAEU) you would do well to begin researching these entities. They are about to wipe out, transfer, all your remaining wealth into a brand spanking new system that no longer cares about you, your family or any of the values you hold dear. Got ammo? – BRI – headed by China with assist from…
READ MORETucker: Communist Democrats Attempt To Destroy Kari Lake – Fail Miserably (Videos)
Tucker: Communist Democrats Attempt To Destroy Kari Lake – Fail Miserably Videos Powerful – Must See – Opening Full Show
READ MOREGlobal Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next?
Global Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next? by Brandon Smith for Alt-Market There comes a point in the lifespan of any economic or political analysis when most of your observations or predictions either become mostly wrong, or mostly right. If you have done your job properly through due diligence, research and applied practical insight, then you will be in a position to point out why the dominoes are falling. People have to understand how these events were predictable so that the can prepare better in the future.…
READ MOREHouse Members Introduce Bill to Shield Parental Rights From Government Interference
House Members Introduce Bill to Shield Parental Rights From Government Interference Talia Wise/CBN News via Charisma News Members of Congress have introduced a constitutional amendment that would protect a parent’s right to “direct the upbringing, education and care of their children.” U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) submitted the Parental Rights Amendment this week written to establish parenting a child as a “fundamental right.” “Parental rights are under attack across our nation,” Lesko said. The joint resolution, H.J. Res. 36, would give parents a right to direct the education of their child,…
READ MOREThe FBI’s Million-Dollar Men
The FBI’s Million-Dollar Men By Julie Kelly for American Greatness Three high-profile trials are shining much-needed light on how the bureau uses highly paid informants as political hit men. Proceedings underway in three U.S. courtrooms are providing a coordinated view into the abuse of the FBI’s confidential human source (CHS) program, a cash-flush operation now primarily used to bolster Democratic Party narratives instead of detecting and preventing crime. As I’ve reported, the FBI spends an average of $42 million per year to pay informants and does so with absolutely no financial…
READ MOREWe Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives
We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives by John Daniel Davidson for The Federalist The conservative project has failed, and conservatives need to forge a new political identity that reflects our revolutionary moment. Given the state of America in 2022, conservatives should stop calling themselves conservatives. Why? Because the conservative project has largely failed, and it is time for a new approach. Conservatives have long defined their politics in terms of what they wish to conserve or preserve — individual rights, family values, religious freedom, and so on. Conservatives, we are…
READ MOREA Convicted Pedophile Grooms A 11 Year Old Drag Queen (Video)
A Convicted Pedophile Grooms A 11 Year Old Drag Queen Video by Matt Walsh