You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm By John Green for American Thinker We’ve all heard of the game “Where’s Waldo?”  Well, I’ve got a better question.  As we look upon the hordes of federal parasites dedicated public servants, where’s Pete?  We’re seeing the convergence of some dangerous circumstances — a perfect storm, if you will.  But it’s not a convergence of weather patterns, but problems with the transportation infrastructure.  Yet Pete (Buttigieg) is nowhere to be found — at least not anywhere near the problems he’s supposed to prevent. Loaded ships are still…


Ahead Of 2024, Media Ponder Aloud: How Dishonest And Manipulative Can We Be?

Ahead Of 2024, Media Ponder Aloud: How Dishonest And Manipulative Can We Be? BY: EDDIE SCARRY for The Federalist When they call for a ‘new journalistic tradition,’ what they mean is that they need a novel approach to influencing all future elections. I’m enjoying all the “think” pieces and columns by anxiety-racked journalists who are forever coming up with new ways to say a version of, “Voters are way too stupid and we don’t trust them to do anything.” Just last Friday The Washington Post’s Megan McArdle wrote at length about…


Here’s How Voters Can Make a Proverbs 29 Difference on November 8

Here’s How Voters Can Make a Proverbs 29 Difference on November 8 by David Lane for Charisma News On Tuesday, Nov. 8, North Carolina voters will determine which party holds the balance of power in the state’s highest court. This will have major implications from how congressional voting lines are drawn to the ‘constitutional right’ to slay innocent human beings in utero. Liberals hold a 4-3 majority on the court, but two of their seats are up in 2022. If Republicans win even one, the balance of the court shifts from…


Why Climate Change is a Fraud

Why Climate Change is a Fraud by Martin Armstrong for Armstrong Economics This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend to turn the sun dark, for they managed to calculate the cycles when an eclipse would take place. They would call the people together and tell them what they will do, and they watched the moon block out the sun and believed that the high priest could control the heavens.…