How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA

How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA by Dr. Joseph Mercola GNN Note – We will loading all of our Original Works from The Daily Coin within the next week or so. Until then, you should search “Operation Mockingbird” to learn that it’s not-so-secret how the CIA and media work hand-in-glove. / END STORY AT-A-GLANCE The “anti-disinformation” industry has nothing to do with protecting a gullible public from information that might cause them to make bad or unhealthy choices. It’s about creating and directing a narrative for…


Building Roads While the World Wilts

Building Roads While the World Wilts By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via As mentioned in an article last month, I have been helping out friends by driving a 10-speed triaxle dump truck (6AM to 6PM) 2 to 3 days a week this summer. Using older but well-maintained dump trucks and newer state-of-the-art excavation equipment, six guys working full-time, plus me helping out part-time, are removing the concrete on a stretch of road and several streets in a small town located in an adjacent county. Additionally, we are coordinating with two road…


Rogue Cops: The Supreme Court Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

Rogue Cops: The Supreme Court Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead for Rutherford “No one should get used to their rights. Predicting with certainty which ones, if any, will go, or when, is impossible.”—Mary R. Ziegler, legal historian The Supreme Court has spoken: there will be no consequences for cops who brutalize the citizenry and no justice for the victims of police brutality. Although the Court’s 2021-22 rulings on qualified immunity for police who engage in official misconduct were largely overshadowed by…


Tucker: Maybe SSRI / Antidepressants Are Making The Situation Worse (Video)

Tucker: Maybe SSRI / Antidepressants Are Making The Situation Worse Video GNN Note – We have been waiting for this episode – the one where Tucker finally begins connecting the SSRI drugs and young men losing their mind to the point of shooting people on mass. We have seen this pattern for more than ten years. We are now at the point of questioning wether these young men can actually, through these SSRI drugs, be programmed to kill – like a Manchurian candidate. Anyway, we’re grateful to Tucker Carlson finally…


Consider This Your Sign To Start Homeschooling Your Kids

Consider This Your Sign To Start Homeschooling Your Kids BY: JESSICA MARIE BAUMGARTNER for The Federalist Parents are already teachers. We offer lessons all the time, and we learn as we go.  I write education news for a living. My job, every day, is to report on what’s happening in education. I have great respect for teachers in all settings but have been a homeschooling mother for more than 10 years now, and what I’ve researched and written on recently is horrifying. The public school system is a mess. Hardly anyone…


A Pastor’s Fiery Response to Mitt Romney’s “America is in Denial”

A Pastor’s Fiery Response to Mitt Romney’s “America is in Denial” by Shane Idleman A recent article by Mitt Romney titled America is in Denial caught my eye when a news group boldly proclaimed, “Romney Warns Nation at Risk.” Romney opened with: “Even as we watch the reservoirs and lakes of the West go dry, we keep watering our lawns, soaking our golf courses, and growing water-thirsty crops. As inflation mounts and the national debt balloons, progressive politicians vote for ever more spending.” He continued, “The left thinks the right…


Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult

Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult By Joe Hoft for The Gateway Pundit Police arrested Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III’, age 22, yesterday following the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois.  Crimo killed six and injured over 20 more individuals at the 4th of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois.  On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit uncovered information indicating Crimo is a radical progressive with ties to Antifa, progressive groups, and the occult.  Looking over information that was collected following the deadly…