Skeptics Do NOT Want You to Watch This Video About the Ark (Video)

Skeptics Do NOT Want You to Watch This Video About the Ark Video by Answers In Genesis Skeptics have proposed endless objections to Noah’s ark: how could it fit all those animals? Isn’t it just a fairy tale copied from other myths? How did Noah find all the animals and put them on the ark? This video will answer the top 20 objections to Noah’s ark and the flood and will show you that Christians have real reasons to believe the truth of God’s Word as found in the book…


Gloria (In You Lord) Video

Gloria (In You Lord) Video GNN Note – Another of the early songs by U2 showing their Christian roots. Most of the songs from their first 3-4 albums were all pointing to God, glorifying God and showing reverence, in some form, for God. Gloria (Latin Translation – Glory) In te domine (Latin Translation – In You Lord) / END 2, 3, 4 I try to sing this song I, I try to stand up But I can’t find my feet I, I try to speak up But only in you…


Fueling Great Relationships with Others (Video)

Fueling Great Relationships with Others Video by Focusing On The Family Dr. John Townsend offers practical ideas for how to tank up on relational nutrients in your relationships and how to contribute to the lives of others for emotional and spiritual health. He describes the types of people who are needed on your “life team” to help you grow – and others who need to be held at arm’s length, as you seek balance in your relationships with friends and colleagues.