Bloody secret revealed: Blood of unborn cows used to create lab-grown meat

Bloody secret revealed: Blood of unborn cows used to create lab-grown meat By Ramon Tomey for Grocery Lab-grown meat is touted by the elites as an ethical solution for the food supply issues the world is facing. However, lab-grown meat harbors a bloody secret: It uses the blood of unborn cows. Investigative journalist Tom Philpott touched on this revelation in an article, saying that the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) obtained from “blood of unborn cow fetuses” is the most likely issue to “hold back a new era” of animal-free meat…


NOAA Warns US Megadrought Will Persist; May Impact Food Supply Chains

NOAA Warns US Megadrought Will Persist; May Impact Food Supply Chains By Tyler Durden via Natural Blaze GNN Note – With food supplies being impacted by high fuel cost and the ongoing drought, having a deep pantry, bug-out-bag(BOB), gold/silver and a plan may be something to consider. Not sure where any of us are going to run to, but where we are currently located might not be the best spot we could choose. / END Abnormally dry to exceptional drought conditions are expected to persist across 60% of the continental U.S.…


The 1800s Pain-Relief Plant That Doctors Used

The 1800s Pain-Relief Plant That Doctors Used by: Tammy Robinson for Off The Grid News Every time we are afflicted with a headache, hangnail or even the common cold, most of us simply pop down to the local drugstore and pick up an over-the-counter remedy. But chemical-induced drugs aren’t always best for us, and we also should consider: What if the drugstore is closed – or we can’t make it there – next time? Trust our ancestors to have the answers. While we can’t really ask the pioneers what they used,…


Heightened fears of nuclear war increase demand for potassium iodide worldwide

Heightened fears of nuclear war increase demand for potassium iodide worldwide By Arsenio Toledo for Prevention The heightened threats of nuclear war amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have spiked the interest of Americans to be prepared for such a possibility. This has led to more people purchasing potassium iodide tablets, which have a proven ability to blunt the effects of radiation exposure. The manufacturer of iOsat said its $14 packs of potassium iodide tablets are already sold out on its website. Identical tablets are already up for sale for as much…


What Mothers Should Know About COVID…

What Mothers Should Know About COVID…and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children by Barbara Loe Fisher for Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Public health officials want doctors to give the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to the most vulnerable age group, tiny babies and young children under 5 years old It is the fastest development and mass administration of an experimental vaccine to healthy humans in history, and the first vaccine to be distributed and recommended for mass use under an Emergency Use Authorization In June 2020, Congress completely shielded vaccine manufacturers and anyone administering the COVID…


Severe Drought And “Dust Bowl Conditions” Threaten To Create A Disastrous Winter Wheat Harvest In The U.S. (And Russia’s NOT Selling Any)

Severe Drought And “Dust Bowl Conditions” Threaten To Create A Disastrous Winter Wheat Harvest In The U.S. (And Russia’s NOT Selling Any) by Michael Snyder for The Economic Collapse Blog Food prices in the U.S. have already been soaring, and now we are on track for an absolutely horrible winter wheat harvest.  Of course this comes at a time when the war on the other side of the globe is going to greatly reduce wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine.  Over the last 12 months, the price of wheat has already…


Virginia Doctor’s Office Posts Cardiac Warning Sign – HEART LAB WORK REQUIRED For Sports Physical if You Received Any…

Virginia Doctor’s Office Posts Cardiac Warning Sign – HEART LAB WORK REQUIRED For Sports Physical if You Received Any…Covid Vaccines by: S.D. Wells for Natural News Myocarditis and irregular heart beats are now commonplace for healthy people around the world thanks to the COVID-19 “clot shots,” and even pediatrician offices are posting warning signs in their windows about it. At a Virginia doctor’s office, the sign in the window reads, “COVID Vaccination Affects Your Heart – If You Received Doses of Any COVID Shot” We Will Not Clear You “Without Lab…


Multiple studies show COVID vaccines don’t protect kids – so why insist on injecting?

Multiple studies show COVID vaccines don’t protect kids – so why insist on injecting? by: Ramon Tomey for Natural News Two studies revealed that the protection offered by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to children dwindles after a certain period. In addition, the vaccines do more harm than good and children have a very high chance of recovering from COVID infection. One study done in New York state found that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was only 12 percent effective against the B11529 omicron variant. The Feb. 28 pre-print study published in medRxiv examined data…


CDC data reveal 84% increase in death of millennials after vaccine mandate

CDC data reveal 84% increase in death of millennials after vaccine mandate by: Zoey Sky for Natural News In a recent episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show,” host Ben Armstrong discussed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that points to an alarming 84 percent increase in deaths recorded in millennials after the vaccine mandate was enforced in the United States. The data, which was examined by former BlackRock portfolio manager-turned whistleblower Ed Dowd, showed the all-cause mortality rates among millennials who were vaccinated against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Armstrong…


GMOs Haven’t Gone Away. Here’s What’s Coming to a Grocery Store (and Town) Near You

GMOs Haven’t Gone Away. Here’s What’s Coming to a Grocery Store (and Town) Near You by Aden Tate for The Organic Prepper Did Will Smith’s I Am Legend teach us nothing? It seems as if we can get away from scientists who want to modify the genetic code of all the world around us, producing more and more GMOs. While we already have Bill Gates planning to darken the sun (not genetic modification, but a bizarre and potentially very dangerous modification all the same), we now have a series of other…