Bloody secret revealed: Blood of unborn cows used to create lab-grown meat By Ramon Tomey for Grocery
Lab-grown meat is touted by the elites as an ethical solution for the food supply issues the world is facing. However, lab-grown meat harbors a bloody secret: It uses the blood of unborn cows.
Investigative journalist Tom Philpott touched on this revelation in an article, saying that the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) obtained from “blood of unborn cow fetuses” is the most likely issue to “hold back a new era” of animal-free meat products becoming ubiquitous in the market. He also pointed out the unethical nature of FBS, saying that cow fetuses are “extracted from their mothers after slaughter.
Philpott argued that the use of FBS to mass-produce artificial meat poses two major issues.
First, FBS is extremely expensive – with the minimum price for a liter costing $1,000. “To break even on expenses, companies would have to sell their cultured meat for about $200,000 per pound,” said the investigative journalist. Second, makers of lab-grown meat cannot market their products as either “slaughter-free” or vegan when a slaughterhouse byproduct – FBS from cow fetuses – is used to create them.
“The FBS-replacement problem, plus other gaping challenges like perfecting machine that can grow cells at industrial scale, means [lab-grown meat] will likely never be economical,” said Philpott.
Still, lab-grown meat is gaining ground in other countries. Philpott cited California-based startup Eat Just, which saw its lab-grown chicken nugget being approved in Singapore back in 2020. According to Eat Just product developer Zachary Tyndall, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) permitted only the breaded, bite-sized lab-grown chicken nugget for sale in the Little Red Dot.
Following its approval by Singaporean authorities, Eat Just’s cultured chicken nuggets were sold in the members-only restaurant 1880, located in the city-state’s southern portion. Eat Just remarked that the nuggets, locally manufactured at Singapore Polytechnic‘s Food Innovation and Research Center, have a shelf life of three months. (Related: TOXINS for VEGANS? KFC, home of monosodium glutamate in fast food, to start serving “Beyond Meat” chicken nuggets that are loaded with even more MSG.)
Elites: Real meat for me, but not for thee
According to the globalist elites, lab-grown meat is a feasible substitute for protein that does not require slaughtering animals. They are promoting the consumption of cultured meat in first-world countries. Microsoft founder Bill Gates is among them, being an early investor in the artificial beef company Beyond Meat.
Back in February 2021, Gates called on first-world countries to adopt cultured meat instead of the real thing. He told James Temple of the MIT Technology Review: “I do think all rich countries should move to 100 percent synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior] of people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.”
“I don’t think the poorest 80 countries will be eating synthetic meat. [But] the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible,” Gates added.
Gates also expressed disappointment over proposals regulating how lab-grown meat is marketed to consumers. “The politics [are challenging.] There are all these bills that say it’s got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They don’t want us to use the beef label,” he said.
The technology bigwig is alluding to the Real Marketing Edible Artificials Truthfully (Real MEAT) Act, which requires all meat analogs to carry an “imitation” label and a statement on their packages attesting that they do not contain and are not derived from actual meat. The bill was first introduced in 2019 by former Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY) and Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) when the latter was still a congressman. As of writing, however, the bill is still with the House Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture.
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Watch Tammy Cuthbert Garcia of “Naturally Inspired” talking about lab-grown meat being served in McDonald’s below.