Former Homosexuals to March for True Freedom in Orlando in September

Former Homosexuals to March for True Freedom in Orlando in September by JEFFREY MCCALL for Charisma News On Sept. 14, the Freedom March will be holding its fifth event at Walt Disney Amphitheater Lake Eola in Orlando, Florida. The Freedom March is an event where former LGBTQ individuals share their testimonies of overcoming these lifestyles through Jesus Christ. Jeffrey McCall is the founder of the event. “While speaking at event in D.C., I thought, Why don’t we have an event where people who formerly lived LGBTQ lifestyles could share their stories…


‘We’re Not Spirit-Filled Enough’: Why Today’s Church Needs an Extreme Makeover

‘We’re Not Spirit-Filled Enough’: Why Today’s Church Needs an Extreme Makeover by JOHN BURTON for Charisma News Even today’s most Spirit-filled churches must embrace radical reformation. Listen to a short podcast as I describe the 2 Chronicles church model, a revelation-driven, prophetic model, that must come to the church, and fast. Then, read this article. It’s time for revolution. Today’s Spirit-Filled Church Experience Like most of you, I have quite a memory bank full of church experiences, many of them phenomenal, many of them poor, but most of them quite…


The Global Spiritual Trend We Can’t Ignore

The Global Spiritual Trend We Can’t Ignore by J. LEE GRADY for Charisma News Last weekend, I preached in a small but growing church in central Sri Lanka. There was no sign outside the building because it’s a private residence located in a crowded neighborhood. Most of the people who came to this meeting either walked or arrived in motorized rickshaws, so no parking lot was needed. The worship team consisted of two young men playing guitars and a third guy on a box drum. The small living room of…


Why Fading Civil Religion Is Good News for Church Renewal

Why Fading Civil Religion Is Good News for Church Renewal by Jen Pollock Michel  for The Gospel Coalition “Are we following God?” My husband put this question to me as we walked through our neighborhood. The dog tugged at her leash. On the one hand, it was a startling question, one that seemed to beg an obvious answer. Both of us practice the daily disciplines of prayer and Bible reading. Around the dinner table, our family’s conversation turns to Scripture’s wisdom. We attend church regularly, serving and financially giving to…


Study Reveals Most Christians Come to Christ Because of a Family Member

Study Reveals Most Christians Come to Christ Because of a Family Member by AMERICAN PASTORS NETWORK via Charisma News According to recent research by Barna, a majority of Christians say they came to the faith long before adulthood—usually before the age of 12. American Pastors Network (APN) says the findings are interesting because they show the link between faith and heritage, but simultaneously, asks APN President Sam Rohrer, what does it mean for the future of the Christian Church in light of the knowledge that more Millennials—today’s young parents—are backing away from…


6 Recent Archaeological Discoveries That Affirm Details in Scripture

6 Recent Archaeological Discoveries That Affirm Details in Scripture by Karen Engle for Logos Each time an artifact related to the biblical narrative is unearthed in Israel or the surrounding lands of the Bible it becomes a witness to the perfection of God’s Word.  And it happens all the time. Here are six recent discoveries that affirm some rather obscure details in the Bible. Each one provides material evidence of the historical reliability of the Bible, and hopefully, increases our faith. 1. Biblical city of Ziklag Aerial view of the…



10 PREDICTIVE PROPHECIES FULFILLED IN JESUS by Sean McDowell for Core Christianity Fulfilled prophecy is one of the most powerful and common evidence for the Christian faith. There are Old Testament prophecies that foreshadow New Testament realities, such as Christ being the Passover lamb (Exodus 12:21/1 Corinthians 5:7). And there are also predictive prophecies that point forward to the coming Messiah. Here are ten of my favorites that uniquely point to Jesus: 1. Pre-existent and Divine Micah 5:2 predicts that the Messiah—a “ruler”—shall come forth from Bethlehem “whose goings forth are from old, from…


Why the Church Must Invite God Back Into His Own House

Why the Church Must Invite God Back Into His Own House by DOUG STRINGER for Charisma News Note: This is part 1 of a two-part series. In Mark 11, we find a story about Jesus that is somewhat perplexing. But with a bit of background, we discover it’s actually a lesson for us in bringing God back in the church! On the next day when they had returned from Bethany, He was hungry. Seeing from afar a fig tree with leaves, He went to see if perhaps He might find…


Why Seeker-Sensitive Ministries Are So Foolish

Why Seeker-Sensitive Ministries Are So Foolish by JOHN BURTON for Charisma News A move of God in Jesse, West Virginia has left many wondering—how could any pastor promote seeker sensitive ministry? This is what revival looks like. Surrendered hearts, holy fire, relentless worship. Intercession. Chains broken, healing happening, persistent people who are hungry for more. Firebrands. Revivalists. Reformers. Revolutionaries. Pursuing the face of God and His heart. Different states, different intercessors, all coming together with one voice: a cry for the fire of God and revival to hit this land…


Atheists Try to Plant Secular Church—Guess What Happens

Atheists Try to Plant Secular Church—Guess What Happens by JENNY ROSE SPAUDO for Charisma News Justina Walford loved God and church, but her life changed when she began to question how one religion could hold the keys to truth. Her doubts drove her away from organized religion–until she came across an atheist church. Little did she know it wouldn’t turn out the way she hoped. The Atlantic recently reported on Walford’s spiritual journey into Sunday Assembly, a secular community with meetings much like church services but devoid of God. The church…