95-Year-Old WWII Vet Prompts More Than 250,000 to Pray: ‘The Spiritual Awakening Has Begun!’

95-Year-Old WWII Vet Prompts More Than 250,000 to Pray: ‘The Spiritual Awakening Has Begun!’ By Andrea Morris for CBN via Faith Wire One North Carolina pastor, who has preached at revivals for more than 70 years, says God told him to pray for a spiritual awakening in America. Rev. Fred Lunsford, a World War II veteran, became ill two years ago and asked God to end his suffering. The 95-year-old said God revealed His purpose and plan while he prayed. “Two years ago I thought I was going to die at the…


How to Imitate Biblical Heroes

How to Imitate Biblical Heroes by JASON HOOD for The Gospel Coalition Christians have struggled with the concept of imitation in recent decades. On the liberal end of the American church spectrum, Jesus has largely been reduced to serving as a nice example, the kind of guy whose love and inclusiveness should be imitated. On the other end of the spectrum, some conservative evangelicals have reacted with alarm, avoiding or even decrying imitation. In evangelicalism’s messy middle, Daniel’s diet plan is a model, Jesus is an exemplar for CEOs, and moralistic “be like” sermons shorn of…



NO PLAGUE NEAR YOUR TENT: READING PSALM 91 DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC by William R. Osborne for Core Christianity It is not often in human history that words like plague and pestilence become household terminology, but here we are. As strange as these words feel on our tongues, they are not as uncommon in the Bible. For example, Psalm 91 speaks directly to the notion of plague or pestilence three times, boldly claiming, “For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence” (v. 3), “You will…


1 in 5 Russians Advocate ‘Eliminating’ LGBT Community – Poll

1 in 5 Russians Advocate ‘Eliminating’ LGBT Community – Poll (Moscow Times) via Russia-Insider GNN Note – The Russian population hasn’t been indoctrinated to accept a Biblical lie – blasphemy – and allow the deviants to dictate to their communities. I pray to Jesus Christ, they never bow down and accept moral decay as a way of life. ****** Almost one in five Russians believe that LGBT people should be “eliminated,” according to the results of a new independent Levada Center poll. The figures showed 18% of respondents giving the response,…


The Revival That Stopped Contagious Diseases

The Revival That Stopped Contagious Diseases by EDDIE HYATT for Charisma News When the Great Awakening came to Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1735, it had an amazing impact on the entire populace of the city. Not only was there a spiritual impact, but as Jonathan Edwards said, “It was the most remarkable time of health I ever knew.” The Spiritual Transformation There was an incredible spiritual transformation of Northampton. Everywhere one went in the town, people were talking about God. Edwards, who was pastor of the Congregational Church in Northampton, said,…


Churchgoers vow they would rather DIE than skip services during coronavirus lockdown

Churchgoers vow they would rather DIE than skip services during coronavirus lockdown by: Tracey Watson for Natural News Over 2,000 years ago, when Jewish religious leaders asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay head tax to the Roman Caesar, at a time when the Jewish people felt especially weighed down by the Roman yoke, his reply astounded them. His response, as recorded at Mark 12:17, was to say, “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.” (New World Translation.) His point? When the instructions of authorities do…


Post-Pandemic Church: Pop-Cultural or Biblical?

Post-Pandemic Church: Pop-Cultural or Biblical? by LARRY TOMCZAK for Charisma News “So Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth” (Gen. 8:11). This is not the end of the world but the end of an era. Sequestered in our “bunkers” we’ve been surveying the situation and, as Christians, we shouldn’t succumb to an understandable sentiment: “Let’s hang in there so we can soon resume everything the way it was.” After the flood everything changed. After World War II everything changed. After 9/11 everything changed. It is not an…


The Shutdown, the Sabbath, and a Weekly Divine Reset

The Shutdown, the Sabbath, and a Weekly Divine Reset by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown As inconvenient as this period of enforced shutdown has been, it has also been a time of reflection, a time of growth, a time of deepening. Some are even referring to the shutdown as a time of “divine reset,” and it is changing their lives for the better. What if God intended us for to have a divine reset every week? What if that was one of the very purposes of the Sabbath? To…


The Decade-Old Ministry Book That Envisioned the Pandemic

The Decade-Old Ministry Book That Envisioned the Pandemic by IVAN MESA • COLIN MARSHALL • TONY PAYNE for The Gospel Coalition And How to Multiply Discipleship Beyond COVID-19 Colin Marshall and Tony Payne aren’t prophets or sons of prophets (so they say). But in their book The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-Shift That Changes Everything (Matthias Media, 2009), they concluded with a mental experiment about a pandemic that sounds eerily close to what we’re currently experiencing: Imagine that the pandemic swept through your part of the world, and that all public assemblies of more…