Women Don’t Need Abortion, 3,000 Pregnancy Centers are Ready to Help Today by Brandi Swindell for Life News Brandi Swindell, the founder of Stanton Health Care, a group of pregnancy centers in Idaho, will testify in front of a U.S. Senate committee tomorrow on abortion and women. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. Stanton Healthcare has life-affirming clinics committed to providing women with unexpected pregnancies professional medical care, women’s wellness, tangible…
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‘Basing My Opinion on What God Said’: Tony Dungy Defends the Unborn During Social Media Debate
‘Basing My Opinion on What God Said’: Tony Dungy Defends the Unborn During Social Media Debate by Andrea Morris for CBN News Former NFL coach Tony Dungy is pointing people to scripture while answering multiple questions related to abortion, biblical truth, and whether life begins at the moment of conception. The recent series of tweets began on Sunday when Dungy replied to a comment from someone suggesting that there didn’t appear to be a biblical case for when life actually begins. “It’s a brand new idea, made up in the 1970s,”…
READ MOREFewer than half of Evangelicals believe Bible is literally true: study
Fewer than half of Evangelicals believe Bible is literally true: study by Leonardo Blair for Christian Today While biblical literalism has long been held as the most dominant method of interpreting Scripture among Evangelicals, results of a new poll released by Gallup show that fewer than half of Evangelicals and born-again Christians believe the Bible should be taken literally. Biblical literalism holds that “except in places where the text is obviously allegorical, poetic or figurative, it should be taken literally” as God’s Word, according to Got Questions Ministries, which holds this…
READ MOREIs there a particular meaning of the cross?
Is there a particular meaning of the cross? from Compelling Truth In ancient times, the cross represented death. The cross many today wear as a necklace was the equivalent of someone wearing an electric chair on a necklace in the ancient Roman Empire. A means of capital punishment, criminals were either tied to two crossbeams in public view outside of the city or fastened to the boards by nails (as in the case of Jesus), causing a slow, painful death. After the crucifixion of Jesus, the cross became a symbol…
READ MOREEx-Trans Teen Shares Heartbreaking Testimony: ‘I Wasn’t Capable of Understanding’
Ex-Trans Teen Shares Heartbreaking Testimony: ‘I Wasn’t Capable of Understanding’ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire A teenager from California who was born female but identified as male before changing course and returning to her biological gender is speaking out about her experience — and her heartbreaking story. Chloe Cole, 17, reportedly defended the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Rule 59G-1.050 that would deny Medicaid coverage for various interventions to help transgender individuals on their journey to achieve their preferred identity. The rule would block those on the low-income insurance…
READ MORECouple spread the Gospel by filming the beauty of Catholic family life in the UK
Couple spread the Gospel by filming the beauty of Catholic family life in the UK by Jean Mondoro for Life Site News The show captures ‘the joy of living simply, the simple Catholic life, and all the joys in God’s goodness to us,’ Maria Jones told LifeSiteNews. GNN Note – And in other news…Liberals… We know you do. https://t.co/GR7GsbXO4R — Catturd ™ (@catturd2) July 10, 2022 / END In a world that is increasingly anti-Christ, Catholic couple Peter and Maria Jones spread the message of the Gospel through home videos of…
READ MORENo, Rev. Sharpton, We Haven’t ‘Hijacked the Bible and Jesus’ After All
No, Rev. Sharpton, We Haven’t ‘Hijacked the Bible and Jesus’ After All by Kevin McGary for Charisma News In a recent interview on MSNBC, Al Sharpton attempted to wax profound by asserting, “The pro-life movement has hijacked the Bible and Jesus.” Really, Al? His claim raises a serious question: “Have the Bible and Jesus been hijacked, or are we finally seeing aspects of Scripture being faithfully applied?” Sharpton, controversial and hyperbolic at times, is true to form when he launches into ideologically partisan, racist screeds asserting the Bible and Jesus are…
READ MOREThe God you can’t make up
The God you can’t make up By Robin Schumacher for The Christian Post When his atheist friends asked W. H. Auden why he jettisoned his atheism for Christianity, he said: “I believe in Jesus because he fulfills none of my dreams.” Let that sink in for a moment. Enter most any church today and you’ll be told the exact opposite. At the very least, the message given is that Christ will remove the hardships you have in life, and in some cases, the line delivered is that Jesus wants you rich and in…
READ MOREAdam’s Aloneness Wasn’t Just His Singlehood
Adam’s Aloneness Wasn’t Just His Singlehood by DANIELLE TREWEEK for Christianity Today The Bible points to a deeper truth—that it is not good for us to be isolated from community. I’ve recently been working my way through the History Channel’s long-running TV series Alone. For those unfamiliar with the premise of the show, ten contestants are separately dropped into very remote terrain where, with minimal resources, they are expected to survive for as long as possible—entirely alone. There are no tribes. No well-practiced host. No ever-present camera crews. Each contestant…
READ MOREIs the False Prophet Alive and Well on Planet Earth?
Is the False Prophet Alive and Well on Planet Earth? by Kevin Jessip and Troy Anderson for Charisma News Note: As the World Economic Forum rolls out the “Great Reset’”—and a new poll shows 77% of the public is concerned “microchip implants will be used to usher in a never-before-seen level of totalitarian control”—an Israeli professor and New York Timesbestselling author is gaining notoriety promoting transhumanism, a movement to upgrade “humans into gods” amid claims that followers may live hundreds of years. Since the Dark Ages, the world has gone through…