Witches and warlocks: Meet the pastors who shared the Gospel for a decade in a hotbed of witchcraft By Billy Hallowell, Op-ed Contributor for The Christian Post Two pastors who led a unique and fascinating ministry in Salem, Massachusetts — a hotbed of witchcraft and spiritual activity — believe Christians need to turn to “unconditional love” when trying to reach people in difficult or uncomfortable situations. Guy and Tana Miller, the husband and wife who planted Remix Church in Salem in 2011 and ministered there 10 years before leaving, recently…
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As They Went, They Were Cleansed… Step 2
As They Went, They Were Cleansed… When we are living our life in darkness, when sin is all around us, our addictive behavior is driving the bus. Then, for the fortunate ones, rock bottom is hit and there is a moment of clarity. A brief moment is all it takes, really, just about a split-second. Jesus calls us and in that split-second we hear His voice. Most of us don’t know how or why or what happened, we just know something changed and we should respond. We know, in our…
READ MOREWhat is the key to recognizing false teachers?
What is the key to recognizing false teachers? from Compelling Truth Anyone trained to recognize counterfeit money knows the best method is to be so familiar with the real thing that the inconsistencies of the fake are obvious. There are countless books and websites that claim to offer insight into the Bible, and countless religions that offer the “truth.” For those of us who are resolved to believe God’s Word, however, the Bible is the first and last authority. Anyone who teaches differently—man or angel—is to be “accursed” (Galatians 1:8-9).…
READ MOREBig Pharma Pushes Drugs / Vaccines They Know Do NOT Work Including COVID19 Vaccine
Big Pharma Pushes Drugs / Vaccines They Know Do NOT Work Including COVID19 Vaccine by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network One of the issues that we have reported on for a number of years is the SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs that are widely prescribed, especially to young men. Over the years it is has been noted that once a person comes off these drugs, like Prozac, Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil and the list continues, the level of violence explodes to the up side. A large percentage of the…
READ MOREApplying a Big God Theology to Your Life During Trials
Applying a Big God Theology to Your Life During Trials by Josh Buice for g3min When you first come across the theology of God’s absolute sovereignty over all things—it’s like you see the world through new eyes. Every page of Scripture, as you turn it, it’s as if the truth of the bigness of God leaps off the pages. Soon enough, you find yourself digging deeper and deeper into God’s Word, talking with friends, listening intently to the preaching, reading books, and enjoying God in a way that you haven’t in…
READ MOREWhat is Christian redemption? What does it mean to be redeemed?
What is Christian redemption? What does it mean to be redeemed? from Compelling Truth Redemption is a biblical word that means “a purchase” or “a ransom.” Historically, redemptionwas used in reference to the purchase of a slave’s freedom. A slave was “redeemed” when the price was paid for his freedom. God spoke of Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt in this way: “I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I…
READ MOREFor My Yoke Is Easy and My Burden Is Light… Step Three
For My Yoke Is Easy and My Burden Is Light… Step Three Step 3 is the time for everyone to get serious. In the original transcript of the book Alcoholics Anonymous there was a line that read something like – “If you have reached this point in the book and have not accepted God, you should throw this book in the trash.” The publishers and others surrounding the authors didn’t want to have such harsh language in the book. I disagree, sometime when we are dealing with undisciplined people a…
READ MORESpiritual Explosion — “My Eyes Have Seen the King”
Spiritual Explosion — “My Eyes Have Seen the King” by Shane Idleman The greatest hindrance to a spiritual awakening is our satisfaction without it A desire to truly experience God runs deep within our veins. However, for most Christians, experiencing God is either elusive and frightening or impossible and improbable. But to the thirsty pilgrim, God’s presence is a wellspring of life. Do we fight for it, or let it fade away? Do we contend for a deeper walk with God, or complain about our life? Do we pursue God…
READ MOREStep One: Powerless and UnManageable
Step One: Powerless and UnManageable by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Once a person realizes the breath in their lungs is not their own, well, the whole being-in-control thing is easier to understand. If a person is able to hold their breath for, say, five minutes (people can hold their breath for 3-4 minutes and some may reach higher limits) but once a person grasp the idea the breath in their lungs is from a Power greater than themselves, that Power is God, then life may begin to look…
READ MORE‘I Want to Tell People About Jesus’: Anne Wilson Shares God-Centered Story That Launched Her Career
‘I Want to Tell People About Jesus’: Anne Wilson Shares God-Centered Story That Launched Her Career By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire At just 20 years old, Christian singer Anne Wilson has learned what it means to persevere. The “My Jesus” singer-songwriter recently appeared on CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture,” where she opened up about the tragic loss of her brother and how that dark chapter served as the springboard for her career. “Losing Jacob changed everything for me,” she said of her brother’s tragic death at just 23 years old. “I…