How to Rise Above Mediocre Expectations By DAVID JEREMIAH via Stream We spend a lot of life figuring out if we “measure up,” a phrase someone coined in the mid-1800s. Even in childhood, we begin comparing ourselves with siblings and kids at school, and it never seems to stop. The problem goes back to Cain and Abel, doesn’t it? Most of the time, we don’t go about the “measuring up” process in a wise way. The result? The way we feel about ourselves takes a battering, and the way we evaluate…
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The Right Hand of God
The Right Hand of God by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Author’s Note: Readers can find all previous volumes of this series here. The first 56 volumes are compiled into the book “Bible Study For Those Who Don’t Read The Bible.” Part Two, featuring volumes 57-113, will be published later this year. Thanks for joining us today for our study about the “Right Hand of God.” After feeling “called” to write about this familiar phrase that permeates Scripture, I asked Jonathan Cahn for his definition. Cahn — a Messianic Jewish rabbi, Hope of…
READ MORESex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network With each passing day there is more and more revealed about how we handled our Fourth Step. The Fourth Step leads immediately into Steps 5,6,7 and it seems we got ahead of ourselves in attempting to move forward with this project. We were about leave out the “other side of the coin” in one of the biggest reasons we turn our back to God. It is a situation as old as time and will never be resolved.…
READ MOREHonor Thy Father and Thy Mother…The Essence Of Collapse VI
Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother…The Essence Of Collapse VI by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network As children, most of us or, at least some of us, are taught to “honor thy father and thy mother”. How does that apply when your parents are divorced? How does it apply when there never was a union between the man and the woman, there was only people that came together, had a sexual encounter and a child was born? A situation where no one really takes responsibility for a life coming…
READ MOREStudy Reveals Big Percentage of US Christians Are Not ‘Spiritually Mature’
Study Reveals Big Percentage of US Christians Are Not ‘Spiritually Mature’ by Bill White for Charisma News I would like to say I was shocked at the results of a study we conducted recently, showing that over half of U.S. Christians are not very mature spiritually—ranking somewhere equivalent to a toddler or younger when compared with physical growth stages. However, as a pastor, I have observed that many of us can tend to get stalled out in our spiritual journeys, so I wanted to share some keys for moving forward. As…
READ MOREGov. Ron DeSantis Is Making All The Right Moves At The Right Time
Gov. Ron DeSantis Is Making All The Right Moves At The Right Time Just when you thought Governor DeSantis couldn’t uphold the letter the law any higher, well, he holds up even higher for all the world to see. Not even George Soros, as evil and well funded as he is, doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to how Florida is governed and the people of Florida are benefit. As long as the government continues to listen to the people of Florida and REPRESENT the citizens Florida will continue…
READ MOREUnderstanding the Unpardonable Sin
Understanding the Unpardonable Sin from Some people believe that God cannot forgive them. They think that they have committed the “Unpardonable Sin.” It is fairly common to be assailed by the thought that the unpardonable sin has somehow been committed. Such great men in the past as Martin Luther (who began the Reformation) and John Bunyan (who wrote the Christian Classic, Pilgrim’s Progress) were obsessed with this thought. They came out of their depressions through learning about the great promises of God and accepting these promises by faith. What…
READ MOREWhat are the theories of the atonement?
What are the theories of the atonement? from Compelling Truth Atonement literally means “at one-ment” with God. It is the way in which the guilt-punishment chain produced by the violation of God’s will is broken, as well as the resulting state of reconciliation that occurs with God because of Christ’s work on the cross. Concerning this, Paul says: “More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation” (Romans 5:11). Historically, a number of theories have been offered as to…
READ MORECorporate Media, Politicians and Control: The Essence of Collapse Pt IV
Corporate Media, Politicians and Control: The Essence of Collapse Pt IV by Rory for The Daily Coin GNN Note – Originally published August 2019. / END We have had a full week of lies, deception, politicians screaming and corporate media “personalities” calling us everything from nazi to haters, of course, we’re racist, and even one idiot lying about President Trump calling for the extermination of people. Liars and control freaks each and every one. They lie to us endlessly – corporate media types and politicians alike. That’s their job –…
READ MOREThe Essence of Collapse Part II
The Essence of Collapse Part II by Rory for The Daily Coin GNN Note – Originally published March 2019. / END When I wrote part I there was no intention of there being a part II. Now that the landscape is becoming filled with the debris of collapse it is obvious there will probably be more than two parts. The one central theme of a collapsing economy/empire/society/community whatever you wish to call it, the one central theme that is stripped away is God. When God is removed economies/empires/societies/communities collapse. All…