What I Learned at Turning Point USA Could Change the Nation By SHANE IDLEMAN for The Stream One thing is crystal clear in America: If we truly want change, we must re-spark biblical boldness and fan the flames of biblical action. If we won’t fight, then we will fade. I recently attended a large gathering of pastors in San Diego organized by Turning Point USA Faith. During one of the opening sessions, a speaker said that the pastors in attendance could change the nation. To some, that may seem impossible, but…
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Promises, Promises and More Promises… Steps 4 Through 11
Promises, Promises and More Promises… Steps 4 Through 11 by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network What’s the “reward” for going through the Steps of Recovery? What should we see happen in our life if we put ourselves through, what appears to be, a nightmare like our current life, only in a different way? Well, there’s a lot to look forward to and live in anticipation of promises unfolding right before our eyes. Jesus Christ said that we should lose our life to find life in Him. That’s a big…
READ MORESeven Steps to Help Unite the Church of America
Seven Steps to Help Unite the Church of America by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown It was Jesus Himself who said, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” (Matthew 12:25) The same applies for the Church: If we are divided against ourselves, we will be ruined and we will not stand. And if we, the people of God in America, will not stand, neither will our nation. But how we can unite when there are such deep divisions…
READ MOREJonathan Cahn Unveils the ‘Dark Trinity’ Wreaking Havoc in Today’s World
Jonathan Cahn Unveils the ‘Dark Trinity’ Wreaking Havoc in Today’s World from Charisma House Is it possible that ancient gods have come back and are behind what is currently happening in America? Could their existence be transforming culture, families, children, businesses, government, technology—and even our very lives? New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn—author of The Harbinger, The Oracle, The Mystery of the Shemitah and more—examines these chilling questions and more in his explosive new book, The Return of the Gods, available for pre-order now and launches on Sept. 6,…
READ MOREFreedom Didn’t Happen When This Man Tried to ‘Pray the Gay Away,’ Then Jesus Showed Him His Real Identity
Freedom Didn’t Happen When This Man Tried to ‘Pray the Gay Away,’ Then Jesus Showed Him His Real Identity by Angell Vasko for CBN News GNN Note – In our Daily Devotional we talk a lot our Christ Identity. We can not over emphasis it’s importance to our lives and who we are in the Kingdom of God. / END Jim Domen had a partner who was HIV-positive, and Jim didn’t even care. That’s how committed he was to living the gay lifestyle. He thought that was who he was until…
READ MOREPornography Is ‘Open Door’ to Demonic Evil That Can ‘Infiltrate Our Lives’: Bible Teacher’s Warning
Pornography Is ‘Open Door’ to Demonic Evil That Can ‘Infiltrate Our Lives’: Bible Teacher’s Warning By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire The Bible paints vivid stories of spiritual affliction, possession, and healing — stirring accounts that have captivated Christians for over two millennia, while also sparking vibrant conversations about the relationship between good and evil. The discussion over spiritual warfare and the levels to which people face affliction has also ignited ongoing theological debate. Among the terms to emerge in this ever-complex discussion is “deliverance,” a word sometimes interchangeably used for…
READ MOREWould you wear something offensive to God?
Would you wear something offensive to God? by Genevieve Wilson for Christian Today GNN Note – No. Absolutely not. / END Recently, we were bombarded with the headlines regarding 7 Australian Rugby players who stepped down from playing a game because of their convictions regarding wearing a rainbow jersey. For this stance, the world went crazy, telling them what they should and shouldn’t do, because after all, ‘it is only a shirt.’ But is it really only about wearing a shirt or not wearing a shirt? If we profess Christ, our…
READ MOREGOD TV Humbly Apologizes on Social Media for Criticism of Sean Feucht
GOD TV Humbly Apologizes on Social Media for Criticism of Sean Feucht by Shawn A. Akers for Charisma News A few days after calling evangelist, author and Christian artist Sean Feucht “blasphemous” on social media, GOD TV took to social media once again Thursday to issue an apology to Feucht. On Sunday, the Christian media network sent out a tweet that criticized Feucht for retweeting a message from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis’ message was: “You gotta be ready for battle. So put on the full armor of God. Take a…
READ MOREKeys to Powerful Living: Peace
Keys to Powerful Living: Peace from CBN.com It’s a search that drives men and nations to great extremes — the search for peace. So much of our time, energy and resources are consumed with trying to find and keep peace with family members, friends and neighbors. But often, no matter how hard we try, peace eludes us. The war in our minds and hearts rages on and on. Where can we find peace? The War Within If you are having trouble finding peace in your life, you must first understand…
READ MOREAn open letter to young ministers
An open letter to young ministers By Wallace B. Henley, for The Christian Post Dear young men and women in ministry: As I write, fall is upon us — not of falling leaves, but of falling Church leaders. Scarcely a week goes by that we don’t read about wayward pastors, dallying denominational executives and bureaucrats, and others who should be models of chaste and heroically respectable living. Even my beloved Southern Baptist Convention, from whom I gained a love for the Scriptures and a passion for evangelism and missions, reportedly…