Shut It All Down…Nation Wide Sick Out Let’s shut it all down. Make the machine completely stop. The big box stores, national, multinational chains, big tech, all of it – everything, everywhere – shut it all down. We will not publish one word on November 3. We will not leave the house, nor turn on the internet nor the TV. We will not spend one dime on anything. suit up and show up. Make our voices heard. Please everyone read this Its important we stand together! — Maria Sanchez…
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This Hope We Have…
This Hope We Have… Good morning Brave Warrior of Jesus Christ. May the Great Shepherd always find the one as He leaves the ninety-nine. Father God, we lift Your name over our lives and cry out for You to renew our mercies. We thank You, Father, for grace. We thank You, Father, for the hope that is You. Father God, it is with a humble heart that we bow before You, in this day, called Today, and seek Your loving kindness. We ask Your redemptive healing of our soul and…
READ MOREAll By Design…ALL…By Design
All By Design…ALL…By Design Imagine taking health advice from someone that hates God so much they look God in the face and call Him a fool. Then proceed to change His Work, destroy their health and profess it’s normal. All of this is done to accommodate their deranged thoughts. — The Burning Platform (@burningplat) October 16, 2021 But, but, but the media said that it was good. Said he/she/it is not only normal, but more normal than you and I. The media also says climate hoax is real and…
READ MOREYour Hand Upon Me…
Your Hand Upon Me… Good morning humble servant of Jesus Christ. May God keep and protect you in this day and all the days to come. Father God, You know our needs before we ask. You know our thoughts before they are thought. On bended knee and with a humble heart, we ask Father God that You search us, rebuke any thought not from You. Soften our heart, Father, that we may receive Your Loving blessings and mercies made new each morning. As we raise Your name, the name of…
READ MORESinging Bondservant of the Lord
Good morning Singing Bondservant of the Lord who comes with praises to the heavens. Father God, we love You and place Your name above our lives and above all the earth. Make us to be Your valiant servants to glorify Your Kingdom. Lord Jesus, we love to sing Your praises and glorify Your beautiful name. It is with thanksgiving and joy that we bow before You, Father God, to thank You for transforming our minds that bring us closer to You, Father God. As we move in Your Light we…
READ MOREAll By Design
All By Design The empty shelves are not a fluke, they are not a product of low production, they are not a product of a “tight employment market”. None of this is the reason. The one and only reason is the World Economic Forum and their satanic globalist friends in other so-called “think tanks” won’t us so poor we are unable to fight back. Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. We are fighting back on many, many fronts and we are beginning to make headway. Never – NEVER –…
READ MOREWhat A Joyful Sound…
What A Joyful Sound… Good Morning Speaker of Truth, humble bondservant of Jesus Christ. Father God, we lift Your name above all. Father God, it is because of You we have anything and everything. We are humbled by Your Works in our lives. We give You, Father, all praise, all glory. We have a simple prayer, a simple request. Heal Your son, Erik. Make Erik to pick up his mat and come home Father the mercies You renew every morning bring us joy and delight as it is strength to our soul.…
READ MOREThe Ruling Class Are Exempt…Be Sure to Mask Your Child For School
The Ruling Class Are Exempt…Be Sure to Mask Your Child For School If the picture is not clear enough maybe this latest spit-in-your-face will help to paint the picture clear. I am willing to bet the servants of these satanic globalist will all – ALL OF THEM – will be wearing a mask to show their allegiance to the “cause”. You know, the “cause” of control, tyranny and communism. notice how the ruling class NEVER takes the jab but orders YOU and ME to take the jab – funny how…
READ MOREWe Fall At Your Feet…
We Fall At Your Feet… Good morning Lover of Jesus Christ, the Brother in Christ anointed for the task at hand. May God continue to shower your life with His Strength and His breath. Father God, we pour our love out for for You. We shout Your name from the mountain tops in adoration for the name of Jesus Christ. We walk through the valley singing the praises of the Holy One who has made our path clear and bright. Father God, we look to You for guidance. Father God,…
READ MOREWill Florida Off Load Thousands of Cargo Ships “Stranded” At Sea?
Will Florida Off Load Thousands of Cargo Ships “Stranded” At Sea? One report we heard was there were some 5,000 cargo ships circling the the U.S. attempting to offload their wares. I’m not sure if that is correct or not, but I do know there are a lot of ships currently “stranded” at sea looking to off load their cargo. We are not seeing products in the grocery stores nor fuel at gas stations because it is all sitting on ship out to sea. This is all part of the…