And It Came To Pass…

And It Came To Pass… Good morning mighty man of valor, child of God and brother in Christ. May the Lord bless and keep you and yours in this day, the day the Lord has made. It is with a humble heart, Heavenly Father, God Almighty, that we come before You in praise and thanksgiving for this day, the day that You made. It is by the renewing of our mind that transforms our lives that we may walk with the Light of the World in Jesus Christ. Father God,…


Let’s Go To Camp!

Let’s Go To Camp! We’re getting reports from Australia about a massive “covid camp”, #AustraliaHasFallen…, where people are taken if they refuse the vaccine. Now we are getting reports from Australian’s owner, China. They were building these back in March 2020 but they called them “hospitals” back then, now they simply call them what they are – covid camps. For those who don't know what Chinese covid quarantine camps looks like.This is one. — Songpinganq (@songpinganq) November 6, 2021 What about the children and the new vaccine for them?…


Powerless To Super Natural Power

Powerless To Super Natural Power by Jason Randolph for Gospel News Network When we realize that we are 100% powerless our lives can change. It is not before this moment strikes our lives that we can open our hearts to God. We can not be open to the idea that we are in charge of this or in charge of that and claim we are walking with Jesus Christ. Unless the power is with God, we are living in sin. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For…


Take No Thought For Your Life…

Take No Thought For Your Life… Good morning beautiful man in Missouri. May the Father of Light shine brightly through your heart and radiate in those around you. Heavenly Father, God Almighty, we lift the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ over our lives life a banner for all the world to see. We sing praises to your hallowed name and thank You for renewing our mercies every morning. It is with a glad and humble heart that we fall on our face at the foot of the Cross and…


Would You Allow These People To Run Your Church?

Would You Allow These People To Run Your Church? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network When do when begin acting like we know the law? When do we begin ignoring laws that are unConsitutional, unjust and illegal? When do we the people begin following the Constitution and act like this our country instead allowing a very tiny, insignificant group of criminals in Washington DC and on Wall Street dictate our lives? When? Dear US Government, — American Girl 🔥 (@Yolo304741) November 5, 2021 Unless you hate yourself, hate…


Cling To What Is Good…

Cling To What Is Good… Good morning Man of Valor, child of God who has been fully restored to health by the mercy of our Lord. May God shower you and your family in this day with blessings to overflow. Heavenly Father, as we begin another day by Your mercy renewed we have another opportunity to glorify You and Your awesome works. God Almighty, we thank You for the breath in our lungs and the strength in our muscles and bones. We cry out to You, Father God, in praise…


Waiting For The Hope of Righteousness…

Waiting For The Hope of Righteousness… Good morning my brother walking in the Spirit. May the Holy Spirit be your guide, your comfort and your counsel in this day and all the days to come. Heavenly Father, God Almighty, it is Your word that breathes life into this bag of bones. It is Your Word that raises us to new life in Your Son, Jesus Christ. We can not find comfort in the law but You, Father God, gave us Your Son to take our place on the cross, to…


Meme Friday…

Meme Friday… These, unfortunately, are the same people that used to say things like “question everything” “stand up to the man” “free speech” “we don’t need no stinkin’ badges” now, they wear 6 colored rainbows, produced by satanic globalist, and bow at the altar of woke. — I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) November 5, 2021 — Sal the Agorist (@SallyMayweather) November 4, 2021 — Sal the Agorist (@SallyMayweather) November 5, 2021 — Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith) November 5, 2021 This is a must watch. Unfortunately, it gets cut off at…


You May Also Be Glad…

You May Also Be Glad… Good morning Friend of Jesus, brought back to life by the Hand of God. In this day may our Lord and Savior shower your life, and the lives of your family, with an overflow of promises and blessings. Father God, as You brought Your Son, Jesus Christ, back from the dead to show the world Peace, Love and Light are possible in our lives, to show that sin is forgiven and we no longer have to live in the dark, You also raise have Your…


You Will Own Nothing, Rent Everything, Take Cold Showers, Become a Vegan, Everything Delivered…And You Will Be Happy

You Will Own Nothing, Rent Everything, Take Cold Showers, Become a Vegan, Everything Delivered…And You Will Be Happy This morning this hit the wire and, once again, we are reminded how evil and vile these satanic globalist are, and how they want everything in our lives, not their lives, but our lives to be completely upended and then kill billions of us. Too harsh? Well, when your children start falling over dead from the jab, and there is this new anomaly called “childhood strokes” that will be the blame, remember…