For Unto You Is Born This Day…

For Unto You Is Born This Day… We come to realize that we are hopeless sinners and then something happens. The Light of the World is shown upon our heart. In the case of all of us “Charlie Browns” it usually takes an entire community, including mans best friend Snoopy, laughing at us and telling us how hopeless we have become before we realize it is only through Jesus Christ and the birth of the Savor of the World that we do, in fact, have all the hope necessary to…


Party Like A Billionaire…While Drinking Liberal Tears…

Party Like A Billionaire… The images below from a 1972 party hosted by one of the richest people in history shows how depraved these satanic globalist are at their core. When have seen these images for years, but never in a video format like this. It is appreciated that someone took time to do this so we can more easily share them and allow more people to ignore the significance. What do Billionaires do behind close doors? — Gitmo45🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@1nesara) December 20, 2021 Never forget these same people that…


More Famous Than Donald Trump…

More Famous Than Donald Trump… Those of us who follow politics and attempt to stay informed about the activities in our local, state and, especially, federal government have witnessed something quiet unique over the past 5-6 years with Donal Trump coming into the picture. We have seen a person, once loved and respected, become the target of everything wrong with the entire world. Through it all he has remained up beat, positive and joyous. President Trump never conceded the 2020 election, but did step aside even though anyone with eyes…


The Latest In The Ongoing Tyrannical M@$k debate

The Latest In The Ongoing Tyrannical M@$k debate Mask do nothing It is that time of year where you can see the fraud of masks. — Nicholas Goble (@veng58) December 13, 2021 "99.97% of airborne pathogens are captured by the HEPA filtering system… The case is very strong that masks don’t add much if anything in the air cabin." – Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly It was always about control, not safety. RT to demand no forced masks on planes! — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 16, 2021 Not-Sees…


Save The Children #SaveTheChildren – It Is Our One Job

Save The Children #SaveTheChildren – It Is Our One Job We are sinners, we sin all the time. We are good people. Those that are born again have an understanding of how God Almighty, our Father in Heaven, looks at us, sees us and wants us to be. When God looks at us, He sees His child as Holy, perfect and anointed. He does not see our flaws, our defects of character and our Father will never call us by a false name – like drug addict, boy when we…


Some Things Never Change and Some Things Do…

Some Things Never Change and Some Things Do… Are you awake yet??? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 — 👑 Danie (@1607Danie) December 12, 2021 Hillary Clinton has been a lying criminal her entire career. She has been influenced, and lived by, the Rules for Radicals book by Saul Alinsky her entire life. Hillary is an agent of the devil, a satanic-globalist of the highest order and has yet to get over the fact that Donald Trump beat the MACHINES in 2016. Interesting. — Frank Aiken a Patriot for Trump. (@awesomeaiken) December 12,…


Mandates Are Not Laws, Merely Recommendations – If You Care To Participate

Mandates Are Not Laws, Merely Recommendations – If You Care To Participate The only one that can take away Christmas with family is you. Christmas as usual around my house this year ♥️💚♥️ — 𝓑𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓵𝓮 ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ (@BubbleCovfefe) December 11, 2021 A MANDATE is only legal and binding if you agree to it, then it becomes mandatory.If you DO NOT Comply It Doesn't Apply. 📜 — Follow The White Rabbit 🌼 (@whereistruth17) December 11, 2021 This woman at the very least needs to be removed from office…


God Called the Firmament Heaven…

God Called the Firmament Heaven… We are sold this idea, this pretense that somehow the world is going to end because of global warming, now called climate change. We are sold this idea the icebergs are all going to melt and the sea levels are going rise. Yet no one offers any actually proof, there is nothing that is measurable to support this idea. If this were true that would mean the ocean floor is something like concrete – close to impenetrable. That would mean the ocean floor, all of…


Rejoice In His Light…

Rejoice In His Light… People walk around with a sports jersey on with someone else’s name on their back. They, themselves, identify as someone they are not. People go around telling others they are a drug addict or addicted to this or addicted to that. They, themselves identify as someone the devil calls them. These are lies perpetrated by the devil. We are children of God. We were named while in our mothers womb. Our lives were stitched together before we arrived in this sinful world. A lot of people…


Two Beast Unveiled – How Many More To Come?

Two Beast Unveiled – How Many More To Come? The first beast was unveiled at the United Nations. Is the prophecy being fulfilled or are the satanic-globalist mocking the Holy Bible and the Book of Revelation? Only time will tell. We believe with everything we have been witness to over the past 5+ years that we are seeing the Book of Revelation play out before our eyes. We believe the end times are upon us. This is the first beast that was unveiled on December 9, 2021. Daniel 7:4a, Revelation…