The Book of Romans – The Spirit: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible – Part 2 (Podcast)

The Book of Romans – The Spirit: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible – Part 2 Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

Podcast HERE>>>

So that’s what’s coming, but for today, let’s continue in Romans 8…the greatest chapter in the Bible…

● (If you have your Romans journal, we’re on page 50.) This is a precious chapter.

● Believers in the worst conditions ever have found this chapter to be their lifeline, their hope.

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That’s how precious this chapter is.

Bible scholar N.T. Wright calls Romans 8 “a veritable feast of Pauline themes that carries the power of the gospel in every breath. He says, “If the church would hoist its sails and catch the wind of Romans 8, there’s no telling what might happen.”

● JS Bach composed a whole symphony based off of it

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