The Book of Romans: The Life-Long Struggle (Podcast)

The Book of Romans: The Life-Long Struggle Podcast by JD Greear for Summit Church

Podcast HERE>>>

In Romans 6 Paul began the discussion of why Christians still struggle
so much with sin.

● Do you ever wonder, “If Jesus and his resurrection power really
came inside of me, why do I still struggle so much with those
same old temptations?
● And why don’t I love God more?
● And why is prayer so hard for me?

Paul talks about his own struggle with this in Romans 7, and it’s one
of the most encouraging chapters in the Bible, I think.

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Paul’s self-account here reminds me of a classic book I read many
years ago by Robert Louis Stevenson called Doctor Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde. (You know they say the definition of a “classic book” is a book
everybody’s heard about but nobody’s actually read. This is one that
is worth reading, because Stevenson, who was a believer, was
certainly inspired by the struggle Paul describes in Romans 7.

Continue Reading / Transcript / Summit Church>>>

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