Mission Statement: Gospel News Network

Mission Statement: Gospel News Network by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

We have a simple mission and do our level best to live up to our mission every hour of every day.

In 2018 we had a change of heart. The markets had completely changed and the manipulation was as clear to see as your face in the mirror. As The Daily Coin we no longer felt we were serving anyone’s needs. It became clear we were ignoring our passion and what our actual work was to be focused.

What Happened

In early 2018 I was watching a video of a little girl walking, carrying a doll, into a dark tunnel. She appeared to be somewhere around 3-4 years old. The video had to be turned off. It was obvious nothing good was going to be shown from that point onward. Crying out to God, which had been happening for several weeks, as the horror of organ harvesting, pedophilia and child trafficking seemed to be chasing me down. It seemed as if the devil placed another article, another video or another report at every turn. I couldn’t take it another day.

Now is your chance to support Gospel News Network.

We love helping others and believe that’s one of the reasons we are chosen as Ambassadors of the Kingdom, to serve God’s children. We look to the Greatest Commandment as our Powering force.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $100.00

How Everything Changed

I got down on my knees and with my hands over my head I cried out to God to “please put the Full Armor of God on me right now“. The Holy Spirit filled me and filled my office with the Light of Jesus Christ and my life changed that moment.

In July 2018 I was baptized into the name of Jesus Christ and when I came up out of the water there was a sensation that was new and never before known. The presence of God was upon me, again. My life in Jesus Christ was born. It had taken more than 14 years of sober, clean living to finally cross the threshold.

Within a few days of the transformation we started putting together Gospel News Network. After several months of ideas, securing the infrastructure, the website you see was completed.

How You Can Be A Blessing

The goal is to advance the Kingdom of God. Additionally, bring as many of the lost to Jesus Christ as possible. The mission field is ripe and local. As a matter of fact the Robertson County Jail, Metro Baptist Church, TN Redline/Clearinghouse, Nashville Recovery Coach and The Recovered Word are the fields we tend. Furthermore, this takes several hours a day working on these projects with zero funds coming in. In order for us to continue spreading the Word and sharing the Light of Jesus Christ we need your help. With your help of an ongoing monthly donation or a one time donation we could purchase more Bibles, share more in jail and in general spend more time sharing the Gospel.

We are changing lives in so many ways that, at times, it is overwhelming. In the coming months we will be bringing their stories to life. We will be sharing what God is doing through Gospel News Network. If you will help us, your donations will bear fruit that only God could produce.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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