Saving Truth Interview: Ravi Zacharias Podcast for Just Thinking
GNN Note – As long as RZIM continues publishing Ravi Zacharias we will continue republishing here.
Podcast HERE – Part 1 >>>
What happens when you put Christianity to the test? Today on Just Thinking, RZIM Speaker, Abdu Murray, and RZIM’s Founder, the late Ravi Zacharias, will discuss Abdu’s book “Saving Truth,” and how Abdu Murray came to know Jesus Christ.
Podcast HERE – Part 2 >>>
Have you ever considered the dangers of our desire for autonomy? On today’s episode of Just Thinking, RZIM Speaker, Abdu Murray, and RZIM’s Founder, the late Ravi Zacharias, continue their discussion regarding Abdu’s book, “Saving Truth.”
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