Jonathan Cahn’s Keys for the End Times by Abby Trivett for Charisma News
As we continue to approach the return of Christ, our world will continue to grow in darkness. However, what if there are keys that we as believers are supposed to take into consideration when it comes to living in these unprecedented times?
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn gave a message to help guide believers in these pressing times.
- Build your life on the firm foundation of the Word of God.
Using the parable of the two men who built homes, one on a rock and the other on the sand, Cahn points out that the man who built his house on the sand had it wiped away by the storm. However, the man who built his home on the rock was secure when the storm came. In the same way, we are supposed to build our lives on the rock of God’s Word.

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- Bind the word of God to your mind.
“Let the Word rule your thought life and you’re going to have a stable thought life. Bind the Word to your actions,” Cahn says.
- Become rooted into the things of God.
Cahn points out that we are supposed to be plugged into God through prayer and communion with Him. Each day a believer should place themselves into God’s presence.
- We have to walk in alignment with God’s will.
“A key here is the more out of the will of God you are the more you will not prevail. The more you’ll be overcome. The more in the will of God you are, the more you cannot be overcome and you will overcome,” Cahn says.
- Place your faith in the truth.
Cahn says it is when we place our faith in God, in His truth, it connects us to Him. True faith connects us to God’s salvation and love and it’s how we grow stronger in spirit.