Fishers Of Men

Fishers Of Men by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

In vivid and homely language which would stir the imagination of fishermen, Jesus asked Simon and Andrew to join Him in an amazing fishing expedition. The catch was to be men. Source

This is our mission statement. This is what needs to be the clearest of the clear in our lives at all times. We are to work with all our strength, all our heart, all our mind and all our soul along side Jesus Christ in His mission. Jesus’ mission is to bring men and women to the Kingdom that He may call to do Kingdom work for the glorification of God. We have no other reason for being. It is our Christ identity. It is the reason we should have breath in our lungs and a heartbeat in our chest.

In the Testimony of Mark 1:15 Jesus announces to the world that He is come to share the Gospel, the Good News, regarding the Kingdom of God being at hand and ye should repent. That seems like a very clear message. Jesus then meets the first of the twelve disciples, Simon and Andrew. Has Jesus met you, has Jesus called you into His identity to be one of His own? Are you on mission? Are you introducing others to the Word of God? Are you discussing Jesus Christ with those willing, and in some cases with those unwilling to listen? Are you prepared to give all for Christ?

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We are here on this planet but for a short period. History is filled with the names of people no longer here. Where are they? Where did they go? Most of the people no longer here no one knows, no one remembers their name and, sadly, no one cares. Did they speak of Jesus Christ; did they carry the Word to people unfamiliar with the Gospel; was their life a reflection of the Creator God and His Son, the Savior of the world?

If we aren’t serving God and on mission, in the mission field with Jesus Christ, what exactly are we doing with our life? What is the purpose of being?

If we love men as Christ loved them, we shall not be content until they have been so brought into touch with God that they are themselves remade, and have, in their own lives, the full answer to their own needs. The world today proved ample evidence of the inadequacy of humanitarian service which stops short of changing the man himself. Source

There is no “recovery”, no “adjustment to grief”, no “overcoming” anything unless we give our lives to Jesus Christ. If a person believes others can go through recovery from addiction – any addiction, any substance – without confession, repentance and being made new through rebirth, those people are fooling themselves. There is no “I’m a good person.” recovery program. There is no “I no longer drink or use drugs.” program that convicts a person to a changed life. There is one way and one way only – confession, repentance and being made new through rebirth in Jesus Christ. Sure the son or daughter may stop using drugs or drinking alcohol but what about the fear, anger, confusion, abuse or other items that stole their joy to begin with? Simply because a person awakens one day without the need to use drugs doesn’t mean their life has changed or the shackles have been removed. It just means they aren’t using drugs to make the pain stop. What is the root of the pain? Until that question is answered through a fearless, moral inventory the pain will remain. It may take some time, even multiple decades, but if that pain is not crushed, if it is not confessed one to another in the presence of God, it will come-a-calling again.

How do we make this commitment when we know nothing about God nor do we have any respect for the idea of God? That seems like a wide gap to bridge. This is where a lot of people began. They either suffered a church hurt or were forced by the parents to go to church. Some learned there is no God or that He is a mean, vengeful God that hated us unless we did exactly what He said 24/7. We were told that if we didn’t do what we were told 24/7 God was going to get us and send us to hell. How can anyone expect to come to Jesus Christ under these terms? They can’t and most will not.

Yes, we of agnostic temperament have had these thoughts and experiences. Let us make haste to reassure you. We found that as soon as we were able to lay aside prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power greater than ourselves, we commenced to get results, even though it was impossible for any of us to fully define or comprehend that Power, which is God. Source (emphasis added)

It is in the quiet of our heart where we come to the moment of desperation, when everything is broken and everything must change, that we find the willingness to listen to another voice. That voice could be a sponsor, a pastor or the still small voice. We know it is not our voice; we come to believe the voice of reason is guiding us out of the darkness in which we are surrounded. Will you be that voice, the hand reaching out to help, the compassionate one that sees someone else’s pain?

We all have the capacity to be fishers of men, but very few take the journey. Fewer still answer the call. Even fewer than one can imagine know the joy, the celebration of walking along side another person as they breakthrough the dark and come into the Light, the Glory of God radiating through them in ways previously unknown. Remember, thousands upon thousands were were called but only 12 could see and hear the call and receive the blessing of carrying the message to others. Dare to be different. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown; then, remain there in that place until it the mysteries begin to be revealed.

We will continue this line of thought in the days ahead. If anyone is struggling and needs to talk please send us an email and we can swap phone numbers and begin a true dialogue. God bless.

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