He Is (Video)

He Is Video by Crowder

If you’re troubled
Heavy hearted
Come to Jesus and find your peace

If you’re run down
Empty handed
Come to Jesus and find your strength

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He is
Hope for the hopeless
Rest for the weary
Help for the hurting
He is, He is
Mending the broken
Bearing the burdens
All that you’re needing
He is

If you’re wandering
In the darkness
Come to Jesus and find your way

If you want freedom
Need forgiveness
Just come to Jesus and find His grace

Comforter, Counselor, Prince of Peace
Author and Maker of everything
Defender , Deliverer, King of kings
He is, He is…

Helper and Healer forevermore
Savior and Shelter through every storm
My Refuge, Redeemer and Lord of Lords
He is, He is

Child of Heaven and Son of Man
Provider, Protector the great I AM
Alpha Omega, Beginning and End
He Is, He Is

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