The Albert Sensor Systems: How Government and a 501(c)3 Tracks Real-Time Election Data in 98% of the US – Put Into Effect by DHS After Trump Won in 2016

The Albert Sensor Systems: How Government and a 501(c)3 Tracks Real-Time Election Data in 98% of the US – Put Into Effect by DHS After Trump Won in 2016 By Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit

If the Federal government lied about their censorship, what other election initiatives are they lying about?

Let’s look at their program created to gain access to local election data.

Around 2011 DHS created their own intrusion detection system called the ALBERT Sensor. It’s part of the larger Einstein System that protects federal agencies from cyber risks. ALBERT is a “black box” server installed on a County’s network. It collects the traffic flowing on their election network and transmits this data to a nonprofit in NY. DHS selected this non-profit to monitor all the election data from across the United Sates. It is analyzed around the clock with the hope they can alert jurisdictions if they find any malicious traffic on their network. Few election networks had the system before 2016.

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After Trump won his election, DHS wanted access to all local election systems.

They quadrupled the number of ALBERT installations in the following two years by pressuring counties over Russian election interference. ALBERT Sensors are now in 98% of our nations election infrastructure. We call it a “black box” because the counties know little about the system. They are given no dashboard to see activity, no reports on what was captured, not even what ALBERT observed. ALBERT is free to a County, but they must sign an agreement that gives CISA access too. This includes info about hardware configurations and security settings.

Detractors say ALBERT has major weaknesses and can be hacked.

DHS Director Jeh Johnson designated our elections as “critical infrastructure” just 14 days before Trump was sworn in. This petty move gave the left more weapons over elections. DHS then needed a command center for elections. So a collaboration was formed between the 501(c)3 nonprofit Center for Internet Security (CIS), the DHS cyber security unit CISA, and the Election Infrastructure Government Council (EIS-GCC). All three receive DHS funding. But DHS tasked only the nonprofit CIS to run the new Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC). CTO Brian Calkin said “EI-ISAC was officially kicked off in March of 2018”.

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