Vitamin C Boosts Health In 11 Powerful Ways

Vitamin C Boosts Health In 11 Powerful Ways By Dr. Diane FultonĀ for Natural Blaze

Vitamin C has certainly been an important highly-studied vitamin over the centuries. The latest benefits scientists are discovering for vitamin C span from treating sepsis, pneumonia and COVID-19, lowering heart disease risk, preventing respiratory tract infections and protecting the brain, gut and bones, to relieving pain and bleeding after surgeries.

1. Treats Sepsis

Sepsis is one of the major causes of death in hospitals. In a study of 117 patients with sepsis, 56 received an intravenous (IV) placebo of 5% dextrose of 100 milliliter/time, twice a day and 61 received an IV of 3 grams of vitamin C with 5% dextrose, twice a day at the same dose.

The 28-day mortality rate was significantly different in the two groups ā€” 42.97% in the control group compared to 27.93% in the vitamin C group ā€” and the 72-hour sepsis-related organ failure scores also differed significantly in the control (4.2) versus vitamin group C group (2.1).[i]

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In research of 30 septic shock patients being resuscitated at a hospital, vitamin C supplementation at a dose of 40 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) improved peripheral tissue perfusion and microvascular reactivity.[ii]

2.Ā Prevents Respiratory Tract Infections

Recurrent respiratory infections (RRIs) are a common clinical condition in children.In fact, about 25% of children under 1 year and 6% of children during their first 6 years have RRIs, which significantly reduce quality of life and lead to significant medical and social costs.[iii]

Sixty children were enrolled in a study, including 33 in the control group and 27 who were at risk of RRIs. The treatment group ā€” which drank 100% orange juice with 70 mg of vitamin C daily ā€” significantly reduced their number of infective episodes.[iv]

3. Reduces Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Vitamin C has been reported to be efficient in preventing complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) from surgeries. CRPS after foot and ankle surgeries has a significant impact on the ability to walk. In a trial of 329 patients, 121 patients were included in the vitamin C group, which took 1 gram per day (g/day) for 40 days, and 208 were included in the control group, without vitamin C. Vitamin C was statistically linked with a decreased risk of CRPS after a foot or ankle surgery.[v]

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