MERRY CHRISTMAS! Disney+ Releases ‘The Santa Clauses’ Movie Featuring A ‘We Love You Satan’ Montage Scene That Producers Say Is ‘Just A Joke’ by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins
The wicked World of Disney have a message for millions of kids this Christmas season, and it’s ‘We Love You Satan’. Ho-ho-ho, y’all.
Disney+ just released their new ‘holiday classic’ called ‘The Santa Clauses’, and one of the hallmark scenes from the movie is where the elves are parading before Santa and Mrs. Claus, holding up a sign meant to say ‘We Love You, Santa’, but instead says ‘We Love You, Satan’. The actress playing Mrs. Claus thinks it’s the funniest thing she’s ever seen, emoting some very authentic laughter. This mess is presented to us in joke form, but go kid your Grandma, this is no joke at all. This is a ‘christmas present’ from the company that promotes all forms of the vilest abominations from their ‘kingdom’. Welcome to the Wicked World of Disney.
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;”Revelation 1:14 (KJB)

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Now, we know this was not a joke, but a carefully placed and demonically clever message primed to hit the heart of millions of children this holiday season. And man oh man, the boldness of it is astounding! But the front lines is the place where the bullets fly, so we are shocked but absolutely not surprised in any way at all. In recent years, the Wicked World Of Disney has promoted cannibalism,transgenderism, drag queen shows for children, and abortion-on-demand all day long. Disney is the stated enemy of the purity of your child, the least you can do is stop going to their theme parks, stop watching their crappy movies, and stop supporting the end times mayhem they commit.