Tucker: Pedophilia Among Elites Seemingly Tolerated (Videos)

Tucker: Pedophilia Among Elites Seemingly Tolerated Videos

GNN Note – The opening report showcases information we were reporting on more than a decade ago. At that time it was such a horrific thought that most people dismissed it out-of-hand as “theory”, this happened while they were viewing an image of child abuse right on the screen they were viewing. What Tucker reports is not new, far from it. We are extremely grateful that someone with a TV platform is finally catching up to the reality of what has been happening for a very, very long time.
Former Senator, Tom DeLay appeared on Newsmax TV yesterday, where he told host Steve Malzberg that, just as he had predicted, all Hell is now breaking loose because of the Supreme Court ruling striking down gay marriage bans. Things are now so out of control, DeLay said, that he even knows about a “secret memo” from the Justice Department aimed at legalizing “12 new perversions,” including bestiality and pedophilia. Source / END


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