Pro-Life Group Sues City for Prohibiting Prayer Outside Abortion Biz by Micaiah Bilger for Life News
British pro-life advocates are fighting back against a new Birmingham city ordinance that prohibits them from praying and peacefully reaching out to pregnant mothers outside abortion facilities.
The Christian Post reports Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who leads the 40 Days for Life Birmingham campaign, filed a lawsuit against the city this fall, arguing that the ordinance discriminates against peaceful pro-life advocates.
“Through this action, I am not asking for anyone to agree with what 40 Days believes; others have the right to disagree. However, I am asking for justice to be upheld despite our differences in belief,” Vaughan-Spruce said in a statement.
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Even using the word “baby” or “mother” near a city abortion facility could send pro-life advocates to jail for up to six months under the new ordinance, according to the Christian Legal Centre, which represents Vaughan-Spruce.
The Birmingham Public Spaces Protection Order, which passed in September, creates a buffer zone around abortion facilities that prevents pro-life advocates from praying or reaching out to pregnant mothers with information and support, the legal organization said.
The Christian Legal Centre described the ordinance as a “targeted clampdown on the 40 Days’ activities” even though the pro-life campaign has been peaceful and law-abiding.
“The buffer zone … has now essentially criminalized the group’s ministry by prohibiting any discussion of abortion within the area,” the legal organization said in a statement. “This includes prayer, counselling and providing information and support available to women in crisis pregnancies. Using the word ‘baby’ or ‘mum’ is also now an offence.”
Some of the pro-life advocates affected by the ordinance are mothers who have had abortions themselves and understand the devastating consequences of aborting an unborn baby, the legal organization continued.