VAERS Truth Billboards are up! And a bunch of other things you’ll want to know.

VAERS Truth Billboards are up! And a bunch of other things you’ll want to know. by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter

Executive summary

A collection of short takes (for a change).

“Until Proven Otherwise” video

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Billboards are now up outside CDC headquarters

Click over and give it a Like:

Here’s the context:

This billboard is now up too:


Both are a short distance from CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

Next, I emailed about 300 people at the CDC involved in vaccine safety just to make sure they are aware of it.

Andrew Wakefield’s favorite billboard

The CDC tells the truth… finally! Apparently, the CDC is putting these up all over America. Let me know if you see one in your neighborhood.

All I can say is “it’s about time!”

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