America at Moral Crossroads: Shocking New Survey on Whether Man or God Should Determine Right vs. Wrong By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire
America is at a moral crossroads, with the Judeo-Christian tradition that once underpinned culture being pushed aside and replaced by the “gospel of the self.”
“The America’s Values Study,” a new survey from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, showcases the extent to which this dynamic is gripping Americans’ hearts and minds.
Respondents were asked, regardless of their faith, about “America’s foundation for determining right and wrong.” They were given three options: the Bible, what respondents feel in their hearts, or majority rule.
The largest proportion — 42% — selected what people feel in their heart, compared to 29% who said majority rule, and an additional 29% who chose the Bible.
Dr. George Barna, who conducted the research, released a statement, framing these data points in another way: “Stated differently, seven out of 10 adults (71%) now contend that man rather than God should be the judge of right and wrong.”
This reality runs counter-biblical and explains why society has descended into moral chaos. Underscoring that point, Barna said people are becoming increasingly comfortable with the notion they are the “arbiters of morality.”
“In the same way that most Americans now contend that there is no absolute moral truth, they also now believe that there is no divine guidance required or even available to define right and wrong,” he said.
The groups most likely to see emotions as being the arbiter of moral truth were those with no religious affiliation (53%), those who prioritize happiness, comfort, and equality (51%) and LGBTQ people (50%).
On the flip side, those most likely to select the Bible as the ultimate barometer of truth were those with a biblical worldview (66%), those who attend evangelical churches (62%), and Republican conservatives (58%), among others.