Ahead Of 2024, Media Ponder Aloud: How Dishonest And Manipulative Can We Be?

Ahead Of 2024, Media Ponder Aloud: How Dishonest And Manipulative Can We Be? BY: EDDIE SCARRY for The Federalist When they call for a ‘new journalistic tradition,’ what they mean is that they need a novel approach to influencing all future elections. I’m enjoying all the “think” pieces and columns by anxiety-racked journalists who are forever coming up with new ways to say a version of, “Voters are way too stupid and we don’t trust them to do anything.” Just last Friday The Washington Post’s Megan McArdle wrote at length about…


In A Pillar Of A Cloud…

In A Pillar Of A Cloud… We see best when we are in the Light. When we are in darkness finding our way is much more a challenge. We can do it we just can’t do it very well and we can’t continue doing it very long. It is when we attempt to live in darkness for a long period of time that our life runs off the rails and we find ourselves in a deep hole. It is when we keep our covenant with God, with Jesus Christ, that…


Five Secrets to Unleashing God’s Miracle Power

Five Secrets to Unleashing God’s Miracle Power by Pat Robertson for CBN News Pat’s Perspective on The Miracle Mindset The first secret is to have faith in God–to understand that in God all things are possible. In God, there is no suffering, no sorrow, no defeat, and no want. The second secret is to recognize that God has total authority over everything in this world–over devils, angels, circumstances, and all of the physical world (see John 14:12). When you stand in His presence, you are standing in the presence of the…


Here’s How Voters Can Make a Proverbs 29 Difference on November 8

Here’s How Voters Can Make a Proverbs 29 Difference on November 8 by David Lane for Charisma News On Tuesday, Nov. 8, North Carolina voters will determine which party holds the balance of power in the state’s highest court. This will have major implications from how congressional voting lines are drawn to the ‘constitutional right’ to slay innocent human beings in utero. Liberals hold a 4-3 majority on the court, but two of their seats are up in 2022. If Republicans win even one, the balance of the court shifts from…


Radiation Is Poison That We Should Avoid…

Radiation Is Poison That We Should Avoid…Unless it is used in chemotherapy by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We are told time again do not stand in front of a microwave while it is in operation. When we have an X-ray done we are draped in a lead blanket and the technician is behind a lead shield. Nuclear bombs generate radiation that kills people and the ones that are not evaporated are left to die a slow, excruciating death. However, when radiation is injected directly into the body, by…


“Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”…Or. Or Better Still, Let’s Have An International Tribunal…

“Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”…Or. Or Better Still, Let’s Have An International Tribunal… by Michael P Senger for The New Normal GNN Note – One with actual attorneys, actual jurors and real, honest-to-goodness judges going through Discovery and presenting evidence of the origin of the “Pandemic” / END I’ll admit, I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw Brown Professor Emily Oster’s new headline in The Atlantic this morning. It’s the headline we’ve been waiting to see—and, in the revisionist, gaslighting style that’s become the journalistic norm on the response…


Only 13% of pastors advised Christians to avoid Halloween when they were asked

Only 13% of pastors advised Christians to avoid Halloween when they were asked from End Time Headlines The majority of Protestant pastors in the United States do not advise Christians to avoid Halloween entirely, and many instead encouraged churchgoers to use the holiday to build relationships with neighbors and share the Gospel, according to a new poll. A new survey of over 1,000 Protestant pastors in the U.S. released this month by Lifeway Research finds that 71% say they encourage church members to invite friends or neighbors to church events…