Casting your anxiety on God really works

Casting your anxiety on God really works By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor for The Christian Post

You have probably noticed how inclined we are as human beings to obsess over our problems. If you are open to the idea of God helping you address your anxiety, the following information could literally change your life.

Whether you realize it or not, no one understands your worries and anxiety better than your Creator. And so you might as well turn to the One who knows exactly what makes you tick. Thankfully, the Lord is more than able to work out the kinks that wreak havoc within our heart and mind.

The Apostle Peter penned this golden nugget of truth: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). It may sound simplistic, and even too good to be true, but I assure you that this God-ordained method of dealing with anxiety really works!

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The Greek word for “cast” in 1 Peter 5:7 is used one other time in the New Testament. Luke describes how the disciples “cast” cloaks on a young male donkey in preparation for the Messiah’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. (Luke 19:35) Imagine casting your garments of worry and anxiety upon Jesus. Have you learned how to let go and let God? It is easier said than done, but the Lord is eager to assist His people because He wants our hearts to experience rest in Him.

A transfer takes place whenever a believer in Jesus casts his or her anxiety on the Lord. You give Him whatever is pressing upon your heart and mind, and the anxiety begins to be replaced with God’s supernatural peace. It is not magic. It is actually far better than magic, as you gladly welcome Jesus into the equation.

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