Emmanuel Macron Unveils His New European Political Group As He Begins To Make Good On His 2017 Promise To ‘Rule Like The God Jupiter’

Emmanuel Macron Unveils His New European Political Group As He Begins To Make Good On His 2017 Promise To ‘Rule Like The God Jupiter’ by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

GNN Note – The image above is the temple of Jupiter from ancient Rome. / END

Ever restless in his quest to forge a Europe of independent strength, President Emmanuel Macron of France has a new brainchild, the 44-nation European Political Community, which will convene for the first time on Thursday in Prague.

NTEB reported to you back on July 5th of 2017, the time when Emmanuel Macron had come out of nowhere to become president of France, that he baffled reporters when telling them that his desire was to rule France, and all of Europe, ‘like the god Jupiter’. Here we are five years later and what do we see? We see Emmanuel Macron rolling out today something called the European Political Community, which on Day One is larger than the current European Union. What are their goals? “security, stability and prosperity”  Fun fact, Israel is completely onboard with Macron’s vision. It’s starting to look like Jupiter has come down among us.

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And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” Daniel 11:36 (KJB)

When Adolf Hitler was ruling Germany like the god Jupiter, he recreated that nation into his own vision, and then set out to get the rest of Europe in line with it, nearly succeeding in the process. In 2022, Emmanuel Macron is doing much the same thing, only he is doing much smarter than Hitler. Macron is consolidating political power into a group, the European Political Community, siphoning strength away from the current European Union, and into the group that he has begotten. This will make him the de facto head of all Europe, not bad, eh? When I read verses in Daniel and Revelation about how Antichrist takes control, this is pretty much the path he does it on, at least in the beginning. Is Emmanuel Macron the biblical man of sin? If he is, this moves puts him 2 giant steps closer to him being revealed.

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