What makes God proud of us? by Rebecca Moore for Christian Today
We recently had the privilege of witnessing the engagement proposal of our eldest daughter Cartia to her now-fiancé Shane. It was a beautiful moment on a bridge in a Japanese garden surrounded by cherry blossoms and neatly manicured lawns. Being in an open space, they were applauded at their public display of affection.
As a family, we are heading into a very lovely season with two of our children’s weddings before Christmas, our other son’s grade 12 formal, graduation, and 18th birthday and while not much is happening for our youngest daughter, she is just happy being a part of it all.
Public declaration
On the day of their weddings, the happy couples will stand and publicly declare their love for each other as they are “joined in holy matrimony for as long as they both shall live”.
This public declaration will be celebrated by all who attend and by all who join in their celebrations near and far and may draw a happy tear or two from their mother.
Public declarations come in all shapes and sizes be they weddings, marches, holiday celebrations, or protests. Each require the declarer to be steadfast enough in what they are standing for in that moment, that they are proud enough and fearless to tell the world.
It reminds me of a song from the 90s by Christian pop group The Newsboys titled Not Ashamed. I remember being at their concert years ago listening to the words being declared unapologetically with strength and enthusiasm while strobe lights flew around a jumping, pumping crowd all singing:
“I’m not ashamed to let you know,
I want this light in me to show
I’m not ashamed to speak the name
Of Jesus Christ
What are we sneaking around for?
Who are we trying to please?