CNN Warns End Times Theology Causes ‘Rapture Anxiety,’ ‘Religious Trauma’

CNN Warns End Times Theology Causes ‘Rapture Anxiety,’ ‘Religious Trauma’ By  for Faith Wire

Can end times theology lead to … religious trauma? That’s the claim essentially being made by some sources who recently spoke with CNN.

A supposed phenomenon known as “rapture anxiety” is purportedly an end-times inspired “type of religious trauma” being experienced among people who have left — or are questioning — their faith.

Titled, “For some Christians, ‘rapture anxiety’ can take a lifetime to heal,” the CNN article in question starts by detailing the apparently traumatic experience of a woman named April, who recalled fearing as a young teen that she had been left behind.

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“[She] had a sense something wasn’t right. It was quiet in her Dallas house. Too quiet. Her brothers were gone. Her parents were gone. On her parents’ bed, a pile of her mother’s clothes signaled something terrifying,” the article explained. “[Her] mind began churning, trying to remember, trying to make plans. When was the last time she had sinned? Should she refuse the mark of the beast? At least, she thought, if she was put to the guillotine during the time of tribulation, it would be a quick death.”

As many Christians know, the rapture is the belief Jesus will take believers up into the skies before the terrors of the end times kick into high gear. It’s seen as a biblical rescue plan for Christians, sparing them from many of the prophetic events and happenings detailed in the book of Revelation.

According to experts quoted by CNN, April isn’t alone in her experience of being left in fear over the rapture. At least one expert quoted by the outlet said this is a genuine issue for many.

“This is a real thing. It’s a chronic problem,” Darren Slade, president and CEO of the Global Center for Religious Research, told the outlet. “This is a new area of study, but, in general, our research has revealed that religious trauma leads to an increase of anxiety, depression, paranoia and even some OCD-like behaviors: ‘I need to say this prayer of salvation so many times,’ ‘I need to confess my sins so often.’”

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