We are Small, But We Matter to God by Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown
As a devastating hurricane strikes Florida, I am reminded of how very small we humans are, despite our boasting and our pride.
Let’s put aside for a moment just how tiny our planet is in the overall scheme of things, not amounting to a dot in the unfathomably large Milky Way, which is just one of trillions of other unfathomably large galaxies.
But even here on earth, we are small.
If it rains for too long, we perish.
If the rain stops for too long, we perish.
If it gets too hot for too long or too cold for too long, that’s the end of our race – and there’s not a thing we can do to stop it.
All our brilliant technology cannot combat the natural elements, no matter how hard we try.
We can’t stop the wind. We can’t thwart the tide. We can’t prevent an earthquake. We can’t resist a tornado. We can’t halt a hurricane.
All we can do is run. Or hide.
We are not as big as we imagine ourselves to be.
And when we visit the cemetery, we are reminded of one certain thing: barring the return of the Lord in our lifetimes, that is our destiny as well.
As the Lord said through the prophet Isaiah, “Stop trusting in human beings, whose life’s breath is in their nostrils. For why should they be given special consideration?” (Isaiah 2:22, NET)
Or as expressed by Job, after encountering the glory and majesty of God, “Look, I am [completely] insignificant. How can I reply to you? I [now] put my hand over my mouth.” (Job 40:4, my translation; the Hebrew for the opening phrase is literally, “Look, I am small.”)
That’s why David wrote in the Psalms, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3–4, NIV)
David was saying, “Lord, in light of Your greatness, in light of all that You have created, why do You care about us – about frail human beings?”