He Told It To His Brothers…

He Told It To His Brothers…

The Holy Spirit moves in our lives during all times of the day and night. When we retire for the evening requesting the Holy Spirit to teach us as we sleep can be helpful to having a closer, deeper relationship with the Lord our God. This is a practice that has started over the past several weeks and upon waking the day is usually in a more peaceful place, deeper rest and more active dream life.

We learn, throughout the Holy Bible, the importance of dreams, the importance of visions within our imagination,, along with the importance of dreams and visions that others share with us. Hearing of others dreams and visions has an impact on our lives as it does with the person that has the experience. Maybe not as deeply profound effect as the one sharing, but still an effect, On the other hand, someone else could have a dream or vision that was never intended for them but was, in fact, intended for us and that could be the reason it was shared.

Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. So he said to them, “Please hear this dream which I have dreamed: ~ Genesis 37:5-6 NKJB

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The importance of the dream grows when it is shared. Now, others are invited into our experience with the Lord. The Lord is speaking directly to us, there is no middle ground and we should pay attention to the ones that are vivid and detailed. Having experienced a couple of visions that are burned into the heart and mind the messages God is sharing should not be taken lightly.

There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Then behold, my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf.” ~ Genesis 37:7 NKJB

The Holy Spirit, the essence of God, that Jesus Christ gave us as a gift, is the greatest gift that He gave to mankind. Imagination is the second greatest gift, but by far our greatest is the Holy Spirit. Our Comforter and Counselor comes to us to share the Word of God for our life. Just as with Joseph, God can reveal how are life is about to unfold. Just as with Joseph, God revealed to Joseph what was just ahead in his life, so long as Joseph remained near to God and remained true to God. We, too, must stay close and stay true in order for our lives to be directly impacted by God. With great works comes great responsibility. We are chosen to be Ambassadors of the Kingdom because God sees in us something that we, ourselves, do not or can not see. God sees all. God can, and does, send the Holy Spirit to deliver His message. It is our responsibility to receive and to act upon His message.

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

Father God, we boldly come before You in this day seeking, first, Your guidance in all our activities. As we raise Your name, the name of Jesus Christ, over our lives we ask, first, Your will, Your Wisdom, bind the Mind of Christ to ours that His thoughts be our guiding force. Let Your Will, not ours, be our directive.
Lift up the men at the Hope Center and watch over their lives in this day. Protect them as they travel to and from their place of work and draw those near, Father God, that are just learning of Your ways, Your life and Your love. Strengthen us in this day, and all the days to come, strengthen su Father God, that we would forgive the debts of others as You have so mercifully forgiven our debt. Teach us, Almighty God, to be better servants to You and Your children. Remind us, throughout this day and all the days forevermore, that we belong to You, we are adopted into Your Kingdom and we are no longer prisoners. We have been born again into a New Identity, our Christ Identity that You have called us to be.
Lift up my wife, Mom and friends that they would feel Your presence throughout this day. Heal them, Father, fully restore them to health and shower their lives with prosperity.
In Jesus Christ loving name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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